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What are these white spots???


12 Aug 2017
I have some white spots on my wood and wondered what they were? They are on the right in a cluster and a few on the left. A lot of the dots on the left are co2 bubbles though.

Are they eggs? Fungi? Something else completely?
Yes I have but thought they didn't breed easily and need brackish water to breed?

I don't have brackish water...
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Oh ok I am not going to be overrun then lol. I just ordered more snails on Monday could have been wasted money if these hatched.
well those eggs are nerite snail eggs and are very hard to remove the more you add the more white eggs you will have in your aquarium
My fish don't eat mine. I only have two snails and all my hardscape looks like sesame seed buns.
no they are hard to remove i have only one nerite snail but never laid eggs on my scape or wood.
Oh i didn't know they did that I have about 5-7 horned nerite maybe one striped one left as they keep wondering off round my living room and 2 toffee coloured with spots on.

Its only on my wood they have laid eggs on, I will have to grow some moss over them if they don't come off.