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Well Worth A Share For A Lol

I thought when I put that it would be taken the wrong way:banghead: I did laugh, thought I'd be different than just putting 'LOL' Perhaps I will stick with the good old terms in the future, lol 😉
"Ghetto can be any colour" Black or White! LMAO!
I actually really enjoy watching this guy. For starters hes funny but hes also got over 1000 videos and really advocates the dirted tank. This guys American so im wondering if theres a uk equivalent to this guy any of you know about?
im wondering if theres a uk equivalent to this guy any of you know about?

definitively would be Collin Furze..

If he did aquascaping..

But he's less of a Howling monkey, like that USA dude is..
definitively would be Collin Furze..

If he did aquascaping..

But he's less of a Howling monkey, like that USA dude is..

Reminds me of brainiac Richard Hammond did. The odds are there isn't an equivalent, from my YouTube searching its only an American thing to make videos about your fish tanks.
American thing to make videos about your fish tanks

Mainly it is, in most cases i have the feeling its more about the maker and getting some attention than it is about fish tanks, its like watching replays all the time just with another host.

Actualy this one made me laugh the most (in a positive way), not the equivalent, more the counterpart.. Starting with hair and extensions etc. and than aquascaping.. :lol: Next finger nails and sumps followed by tight buttocks and cabinets. :snaphappy: And then the comments bellow.. 😀
Mainly it is, in most cases i have the feeling its more about the maker and getting some attention than it is about fish tanks, its like watching replays all the time just with another host.

Actualy this one made me laugh the most (in a positive way), not the equivalent, more the counterpart.. Starting with hair and extensions etc. and than aquascaping.. :lol: Next finger nails and sumps followed by tight buttocks and cabinets. :snaphappy: And then the comments bellow.. 😀

A woman thats different. So i watched it and another one of her videos and from what i gathered shes still living with her parents, has about 20 different pets in her room, some fish tanks and shes rather weird. I dig her anxiety issues but WTF shes one of those people who ask her viewers to send her things! "I'm worth it and special and beutiful bla bla" f off. Its wasting my time watching anymore of her because i can't connect with that sort of person. Dustins fish tanks it still is for me then.
So i watched it and another one of her videos

You must have more patience than i have.. I never got to the other vid.. Tho when she explained "A hang on the back filter, is a filter that basicly hangs on the back"... I was tempted to wanna know more.. 🙄

But from Justing even if i think he's a howling monkey with a faul mouth now and then.. I watched a few.. He even managed to get Oliver Knott in one of his shows. Also was a funny contrast.. :thumbup:
You must have more patience than i have.. I never got to the other vid.. Tho when she explained "A hang on the back filter, is a filter that basicly hangs on the back"... I was tempted to wanna know more.. 🙄

But from Justing even if i think he's a howling monkey with a faul mouth now and then.. I watched a few.. He even managed to get Oliver Knott in one of his shows. Also was a funny contrast.. :thumbup:

Hes also done a few things with Geogre Farmer. Haha justing