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Weights and Pots, whats your professional opinion?


6 Aug 2018
Hartwell, GA (U.S.)
Weights in my Opinion and experience are less healthier for stem plants,
the reason i believe this is due to the fact that weights once constricted around the plants base/stem restrict nutrient flow through the roots or base of the stem (where it was cut) which is beneficial for nutrient exchange. However, roots arent the only thing that plants absorb nutrients from, aquatic plants also absorb nutrients through the leaves but once the nutrients goes down the stem its kind of stuck having no where to go- causing a blockage IMO.
Not only do weights restrict nutrient flow imo but they also restrict growth and cause plant health issues such as stunting as this is due to damaging (crushing of the stems) the plant. Which causes stress in the plant- and will cause physical health issues to said plant depending on multiple factors of the weight around the plant.

Pots and rock wool, IMO are a much better option for plants to grow and be sold in, this applies to distributor's from a business outlook and retailers with holding tanks or sale tanks. Potted plants have the ability to keep their roots growing, rather than being restricted or simply cut off- giving you a healthier plant with less stress. With potted plants the plant is also able to be planted with a full root system, definitely giving you a bonus when the plant begins to adapt to the new owners tank. Not only this but pots offer a wider area for the plant to be more "comfortable" in, this also applies to stress and physical deformations, its more likely you will see physical problems with Lead weighted plants rather than plants in pots.

Business aspect
while lead weights are cheaper than pots- its a Health/Money/Space issue.
Some business decide lead weights are better due to the fact that they take up less space, but the only downside to that is this whole debate on how the weights will cause problems with the plant(s).
Pots take up more space obviously, and cost more but they give the health benefit so the customer is happy, and may even possibly return again. Larger companies (EU) such as tropica and dennerle use pots for this very reason.
Plants will absorb nutrients through their leaves happily, roots are extra.I believe it's all dedicated by the growth-habit of the plants.Most plants are grown emersed and thus need the rockwool/pot to stay upright. The leads are for shoots which are harvested, they only need the leads for a while ( in the sellers tanks).
Some LFS buy stem plants and pot on into rockwool and slatted plastic pots to give added value, ie added profit to the shop. When buying genuine potted plants, those which have been grown emmerse, check phosphate levels in your tank. I take the pots apart, tease the rockwool away and rinse well with tepid water. With stem plants if you want to anchor them use ceramic rings and foam and just hide the rings behind other plants. When the plants need pruning take top cuttings and repeat using the old ceramic rings again or leave the old plants to side shoot with regrowth and then decide what to do with your prunings.
Basically all plants in Europe from the large nurseries are grown in pots (emersed). Dennerle even use coconut fibre for their more expensive plants. Definitely allows for a better root system, but I think tissue culture is the best for carpet plants.
I've just removed a lot of crypts and swapped them for stems in my 500l tank and to allow me to 'play' with the stems I've used some ceramic small rings to weight them down using two stems per ring with a bit of foam or filter floss to wedge them in, so hopefully they get a reasonable flow around each stem


In my Pot Scape the Pogostemon helferi I used the method for some time and it works for for that plant

Impressive health on that pogo given it's marginal location.
For me personally when I buy either weighted or potted, the plants get cut at the rockwool line and planted immediately as is.... no roots.

I'm not exactly sure what your post is getting at..... is this applicable to sellers & re-sellers of plants? I think if that's the case, I would still grow them out in a substrate rather than pots and weights.