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Weeping Willow

G H Nelson

Moderator/Committee Member
14 Dec 2008
Hemel Hempstead, UK.
Hi gang
I have a huge Weeping Willow that's shed some branches that are dead and dry inside.
Could I use these as part of a scape after soaking them for a few weeks?
Or am I wasting my time or will they rot and cause water problems?
Cheers Corki
Nice answer......Aspirin eh I could do with some of them after the day at work I had. 😉
I was going to strip the bark off.
willow is a very soft wood with very porous channels, hence its high water content when live, so i would assume after its dried it will always try to absorb more water, you want to go for dead branches that have already dried out, ones where only the hardwood is left after decaying, instead of the dry dead stuff that just crumbles in your hands. 🙂
Where I live, Willow was extensively used to make crab pots especially during the early 1900s when crayfish were being exported to France & England.
You can still see old folk making them at fairs & the like, they could last two or three seasons under water & surviving some really tough conditions.
No idea what they would behave like in an aquarium though :?
Hi Foxfish
That's interesting regarding the crab pots. I may have a go at soaking the willow in water for a few weeks to see how it fairs.
fozziebear said:
willow is a very soft wood with very porous channels, hence its high water content when live, so i would assume after its dried it will always try to absorb more water, you want to go for dead branches that have already dried out, ones where only the hardwood is left after decaying, instead of the dry dead stuff that just crumbles in your hands. 🙂
The willow branches are for a nano so no big deal in submerging them thanks for the input.
I will take your advise.