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Wavemaker with shrimp/fish ?


5 Feb 2021
Hello, i use a wavemaker in a tank, i want to put shrimp in it, it seems that the flow of the wave maker goes in every direction, everything is pushed away but i don't know if the shrimplet will get into the impeller or pushed without damage ? thx
Not only that but shrimp especially neocaridina are quite fragile. Those wavemakers be like you or i being slung about down the Niagara falls.
Hi @eminor if this is a smaller tank <200L and you just need some additional flow in stale areas, in densely planted areas or say along the bottom I recommend the Aqual PatMini. I have have two in each of my 150L tanks. They are small, easy to hide, adjustable for direction and strength (not super powerful even at max) and 100% shrimplet safe in my experience. The dense sponge needs frequent cleaning depending on your bio load. I usually clean mine every two weeks.

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Not only that but shrimp especially neocaridina are quite fragile. Those wavemakers be like you or i being slung about down the Niagara falls.
i thought that, but there is few spot where the flow is really correct, shrimp are able to sit near the wavemaker even if it's 528 gph/15 gallon

I though it would be overkill, but with tons of plants i don't know how the flow can be perfect without spray bar, 10* turnover is too weak for me, never had such healthy growth before wavemaker