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Wavemaker or not?


28 Feb 2021
Hi all,I have a trigon190 corner tank that I want to be a planted environment,I have bought a fluval 407 filter system,will I also need a wavemaker for maximum water flow or not,if I do where would I position it in my tank? I'm new to this so I need advice.
Many thanks
I think that really depends on what you are planning on keeping and if you are going low or high tech. Should you decide to have a powerhead or WM the positioning will also be dependant on the type of display youre deciding to have, wether your having a sand substrate or full carpet, where you place the inlet/outlet of the filter.

I would suggest that you give as much information as you can in the first instance, so that we are able to give more relevent advice and guidance.
I'm going low tech,I'm having black sand substrate,pipes will be in back corner of tank,outlet facing front of tank to flow round the curve of glass,I'm planning on bogwood and plant display