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Waveless Box

Regarding left over plants.

Sorry for the delay, but the plants are in the post to both AdAndrews and chilled84.

recieved the plants today, many thanks :thumbup:
No problem, I hope you enjoy them.

Out of interest what kind of state did they arrive in?

Pixels said:
Out of interest what kind of state did they arrive in?


most of them were pretty good, some were crushed and some were really soft, so they must have started to go bad, but becuase you gave me loads anyway, that didnt matter :thumbup:

its funny, i dont think ive ever been called a "Dr" before :lol: :thumbup:
Pixels said:
No problem, I hope you enjoy them.

Out of interest what kind of state did they arrive in?

I am at present trying to revive a tiny amount of the HC, O my god it was stinking when i got it! lol Does anyone else get that from HC when it starts to go bad! ????

The pogostimon was no more, dead on arival, I am still very gratefall mate. Maybe next time if you send for postage use a box, If not like me and Andrew, Just keep sending like you did. Cheers again mate!
UPS - Unsuitable Plant Service

Oh dear!

I guess that was why I wasn't prepared to charge, you were both my guinea pigs! I put it through the work post system (hence the interesting names and addresses), which made the whole process free, but probably not very quick.

I will make sure I use a box next time and I will use a quicker delivery method.

I hope you both manage to salvage soemthing from it all.

The tank

Now that I am moved in, I have started to put some serious considertation into what plants I would like in this tank and not just use what I already had.

I am thinking of going for a carpet of Utricularia graminifolia‎, I appreciate that this is a more difficult plant to grow, but I feel a challenge is always good. I have seen that some people put glass over it to help it root and it still be able to receive light. Any pointers or advice on this plant would be greatly appreciated.

The UG might be only plant on the ground and use moss on sticks for height and general interest off the ground.

An update, very little has changed.

Added some Staurogyne sp. and Cryptocoryne wendtii 'brown' today.

Want the Staurogyne to form a low carpet, but I want to give it a chance to establish before I go cutting it back.

I have some moss on order, flame moss and weeping moss. I plan to tie the flame moss to the larger branch on the right and the weeping moss to the low left branch . Will look to get some Fissidens fontanus if the moss I have already ordered arrives in good condition.

Day 20

I am contemplating taking some Cryptocoryne crispatula var. balansae from my other tank and plant middle back - To tall?

Added some Ferka K today, will dose lightly for a week and then start dosing TPN+.

I welcome all advise and suggestions.

Thanks for looking
A quick update.

Special thanks to Rik (mlgt) for the moss 😀

Not so special thanks to Rik for making me think constantly about getting Discus. The girlfriend was not impressed with me measuring under the sink, to see if I could fit a HMA filter in!

The picture would be greatly improved if I had cleaned the glass! But you get the idea.

Day 36

Comment and criticism welcomed.

I hope the Discus are not for this tank 😛
Tank is looking great 🙂
Hello Rik

Hope the filter is working out ok for you.

The mosses are going well. I will post an update tonight.

Regarding the discus, I am on the verge of ordering a 36x24x18" tank from Aquariums Ltd. I am putting together a list of ideas. When I order I might start a planning journal?

Not sure if it will contain Discus yet, but I have been measuring the space under the sink for a potential HMA filter. I would definitely go for Stendker Discus or something else that would be able to tolerate the hard water we have here.

German discus are hardy and will enjoy it better. Thats a nice sized tank you got in mind 🙂

If you get discus go RO 🙂 Its much better than HMA Filter.

Im probably getting a 4-5ft tank later in the year or early next year built into my living room.

Ive already put aside a 125l tank for breeding once they pair up 🙂
A quick update.

I will sit down one evening and try and take some better pictures.

The moss has some dead bits from where I took the wood out and dosed some staghorn with Excel - might have over done it!

Five Ember Tetras have moved in today, I will add another five or six if I can catch them!

HC is beginning to carpet nicely. I'm dosing 1ml of TPN+, I might up this to 2ml and see how I get on.

Day 49

German discus are hardy and will enjoy it better. Thats a nice sized tank you got in mind
I'm am trying to talk myself out of Discus, every time I talk to you I think it is a good idea again! 😀

Thanks for looking
Haha, The tank is looking lovely. Ive just got myself a second hand 60l tank to place the shrimps in as I think the 20l nano is now overrun with cherries and CRS.
Therefore makes it easier for me to manage the water parameters with a bigger tank rather than a delicate small tank.

I will try my hand on DIY co2 set up and investing in some nice pieces of wood and some moss that will be donated by a few friendly members such as LondonDragon and A1matt.

I think I will go with a twig type layout with the brances coming out of the water.

Will do a journal next month 🙂