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Water flow question.....


17 Oct 2009

Size; 37(l) x 17(d) x 18(h) (inches)
Capacity; 186ltr (150ltr acctual)
Filter; 1400lph external

The water flow is from left to right with the spray bar situated along the left hand side at the top of the tank & the inlet at the bottom right side of the tank. the spray bar is therefore about 35cm long with a powerful flow from the 10 or so holes.

Having read a few topics on the issue, should I position the spray bar along the back of the tank dirrecting the flow towards the front? If I were to do this, it would only come about 2/3 along the back, (though I guess I could buy an extension). I assume this would then reduce the flow from the spraybar, due to there being circa 40 holes?

Pic of the tank can be seen in this thread in journals: 37x 17 x 18 custom built (sorry, don't know how to attach link!)

Advise appretiated, thanks
Re: Water flow queation.....

It wouldnt reduce total flow it would improve it, just the velocity will decrease. I would probably do as you suggest and go for the bar along the back. Although from left to right is just as good in a tank that size. I would try to put the intake on the same side as the spray bar though. If you look at some of the journals on here where outflow comes out the intake is nearly always along side the outlet. As long as you have good flow all round keep it as it is, or try along the back