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Water circulation flow rate


23 Oct 2013
I have a 90 gallon heavily planted tank. It includes an uv sterilizer and an aqua medic 1000 co2 reactor in line with a 2215 eheim filter. I recently added a seio p1000 propeller pump power head rated at 1000 gph to increase water circulation. However, I am now wondering if the flow rate is too much as the current seems quite strong, even though the plants haven't uprooted and the fish seem to like it (12 rummy nose tetras, 8 ruby barbs, 10 Cory's and a pearl gourami). Is the flow rate ok or should I consider purchasing a lesser rated powerhead?
It's probably fine if you're plants aren't uprooting and your fish have at least some dead spots where they can rest. You could try different placements of the power head and filter outlet. I have my powerhead quite deep in the tank blowing across the bottom with the filter outlet at the top rippling the surface. However I did have the power head pointing towards the front of the glass which made everything a bit calm. I think I'm on about 20 times flow rate however that's probably closer to about x10-15.

That reactor will take out some of the flow of the filter. If you have a spray bar you could open the holes slightly with a drill. When I say slightly I mean maybe 0.5-1mm an don't do every hole. Try it in the tank again if the flow is two fast open up some more holes.