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Water changes


7 Oct 2012
Need a bit of advise please 🙂

My tank water volume is about 450L, only has a few plants at moment and two medium size bits of bog wood.

I pre soaked the wood but it still leaches, would doing a daily 60l water change be too much?

Pic of the tank, just waiting to order some more plants, will be densely planted back and sides with a half circle of low grass like plants on centre.

That's a lovely picture of your tank by the way, I love it :thumbup:. I had a similar problem too when I started out aquascaping, I didn't bother to even pre soak mine so my water ended up with the consistency of tea :shock:. I just carried on with regular water changes and eventually all the tannins were leached out; I think it was over a period of about a month. If it bothers you carry out your water change, but like foxfish stated too frequent water changes can affect plant growth as you'd be depleting the plant nourishment at the same time; otherwise just live with it. I really don't think it would have any disastrous effects on the health of the fish (or your plants) and it'll disappear in good time 😉
I have an abundance of Vallis plants which would look great in you tank as a background plant, if you're interested just PM me
tekopikin said:
That's a lovely picture of your tank by the way, I love it :thumbup:. I had a similar problem too when I started out aquascaping, I didn't bother to even pre soak mine so my water ended up with the consistency of tea :shock:. I just carried on with regular water changes and eventually all the tannins were leached out; I think it was over a period of about a month. If it bothers you carry out your water change, but like foxfish stated too frequent water changes can affect plant growth as you'd be depleting the plant nourishment at the same time; otherwise just live with it. I really don't think it would have any disastrous effects on the health of the fish (or your plants) and it'll disappear in good time 😉
I have an abundance of Vallis plants which would look great in you tank as a background plant, if you're interested just PM me

Thanks for that 🙂 I'm just hoping it will be half as good as some tanks on here, as they truly are stunning.

I have three vallis plants at the back right just behind the large bog wood. But thanks for offer.