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Water Change Frequency


New Member
Thread starter
13 Dec 2023
Hi all, I'm 5 weeks in to my first high energy tank and added livestock this week.
How often and how much water should I be changing?
I have a 60L tank and am dosing APT complete daily.
What do you all do?

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I do weekly 50% water changes. That's relatively straightforward for me because my tanks are small (45L, 25L). That is also the recommended water change for EI fertiliser dosing - you can look up what that is. You won't ever go wrong with more frequent and larger water changes so it comes down to how much time you have and what is feasible for you.
As Andy says above, it does come down to what you can work into your schedule. I change about 1/3rd of my 240 litre tank each week, regularly, but then I'm retired! In the end, however good your filter, fish and plants have an effect on your water chemistry, and water changes can "reset" things.
It's always a big subject! 🙂

Personally, I do a 30% water change weekly, but I have waited for a month before doing a water change as an experiment. (Checking water parameters regularly to ensure the Nitrates didn't get stupid!). The parameters were stable, the water was clear, and the fish were happy, so there is no hard and fast rule. I do have very good filters/media, and the pre-filter was cleaned once a week during the experiment.

As Andy and John say, there isn't any harm in doing more frequent changes, but there is a balance of risk - i.e. you forget to treat the water for chlorine, or you open your canister so much it suddenly won't seal! I think you need to observe your tank and your parameters and find the cleaning cycle that suits you and seems to work for the inhabitants.
Cheers guys. I want to keep the parameters as stable as possible as I already have Otocinclus and plan on getting some red cherry shrimp. I want to do what's right for both plants and fish.
The suggestion by 2hr aquarist when using apt complete is 30% a week which seems to be the sweet spot for plants and fish.
It's a whatever works for you and your tank,,for me 50% for a week or two daily on a new planted set up and then twice a week for a week to now 40% about weekly, seems to work on my ATM low energy sand substrate aquariums Probably 20% a fortnight might do it,so nothing set in stone about W/Cs ,they are the best thing to do IMO.. Still get various types of algae but it's a naturally occurring thing and more relaxed about it these days
nothing set in stone about W/Cs
I have tried many times to project a regular pattern to WC. While keeping multiple tanks, that would be very convenient. Sadly, life doesn't seem to support regularity. Moments of sickness taught me something about upper limits as to how long a tank can live without WC. And irregular incidents inside the tanks happen, no matter what.