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Warts and more warts, but progressing:

Rob Dahl

19 Nov 2014
Tucson, Arizona
This is the tank that got me started (10/26/14) once again after years of other pursuits. I made many beginners mistakes, like adding water before I planted, even then not being bright enough to lower the water level when I had such a tough time with my shaky hands trying to place crypts, Micranthemum and hair grass in a full tank. Oh well, here it is today, healthy and full of life:
Fluval Flora 7.9 Gallon
(wet start 10/24/14)
Aquarium Inhabitants

Fissidens fontanus: Phoenix Moss
Ludwigia arcuata Narrow LeafLudwigia
Lysimachia nummularia Aurea Golden Llyodelia
Micranthemum umbrosum “Monte Carlo
Cryptocoryne wendtii “green” Green Cryptocoryne
Eleocharis parvula “Dwarf Hairgrass
Microsorum pteropus‘Windelov’
Lace Java Fern
Limnobium spongiaFrog Bit
Macaya fluviatilis
Stream Bogmoss
Fish & Invertebrates
2- Neritana natalensis,nerite snails “Zebra & Tracked”
plenty of Columbian Ramshorn snails
2–Otocinclus spp., oto catfish
5–Paracheirodon innesi,
neon tetra
3–Hemigrammus erythrozonus, glowlight tetra
2–Palaemonetes spp. glass shrimp
4–Cardina multidentata amano shrimp
2–Neocaridina heterododa var. Rili,
red rili shrimp
2–Neocaridina heteropoda var. Rili,orange rili shrimp

...and the tank itself as of 1/6/15:
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Thank you Greenfinger2,
I agree and I decided to keep them in a shoebox (no, a plastic one, filled with water) with an air bubbler. I am using the light from the SpecV to illuminate it.
Thanks for the input. I do have some plants outside, but if I use them later, I will give them an H2O2 dunking to kill off foreigners.
BTW- do you know why plants pearl so much after a water change? Also had 0 KH in the specV after a 30% water change today, so added a minute quantity of baking soda which raised GH from 75 to 150 and KH from 0 to 120. Glad I used a minute amount!
Thanks Roy,
Still don't think there's a satisfactory answer there. Even though a number of experienced people gave some of their theories, I think we could use the advice of a water chemist.
I did research the KH question online a got this same answer from some aquarium threads, so thought I'd try it. Glad I was careful, but it worked.
Only two otos and a couple of Nerites inhabit the SpecV right now, but I think after I check water chem once more, I will introduce either an Amano of go to the LFS and get some cherries or rillis. I am fortunate that there is a good LFS here in Tucson
http://www.arizonanatureaquatics.com The owner is meticulous and does beautiful landscaping. Sure seems to know his business.
Nice stuffed swimmerets, in 20 days or so your tanks gonna be inundated with tiny Orange Rilli! If the Cherries are in the same tank with these they'll breed together and mix up the colours a bit, orange and red together would look pretty nice.
Hi X3NiTH, They're in this separate tank with red rillis. Want to get a few of these neon cherries bred first, then think about cross breeding (that is if I can trap them out of this jungle). There are a few ghost shrimp and Amanos in addition to the orange and red rillis.
Here is what the tank looks like after a Ludwegia haircut:
Bait then trap (chase with a net), has been most effective for me, a baited trap didn't work out particularly well, though that may have been down to using bait that wasn't irresistible enough.
After the eggs hatch I can try the trap. To try and net them, I'd have to remove the root and the java ferns and fissidens weakly attached to it and all the little critters living there. plantings are so thick I wouldn't be able to maneuver a net without tearing up a lot of plantings. In my next landscape I am going to leave an open area that I can chase those little devils into. One of the things I needed to learn...
Both orange rillis are out this morning and both are berried, so must be the male red rilli that is papa. Worried about the survival of the young, but have plenty of varied vegetation, particularly Fissidens and a moss ball, so I'll keep my fingers crossed. CORRECTION: only one rilli berried I must have gotten them mixed up as they came in and out of the vegetation.
I wanted to ask: My shrimp do not flock to the food like I see other's shrimps do. I usually only see one or two at a time, and they meander by, sniff at the food (Azoo Max breed) and continue on their way. A couple of the larger Amanos will go after an algae wafer when I drop one in but not the feeding frenzy I see others doing.