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Warranties on Lights

8 Dec 2023
My Superfish scaper light has failed and, although they offer a 2 year warranty, it’s taking very long to replace. Local MH were apologetic but I’m getting to the point where I actually need a working light.

I considered some more expensive options such as the AI Prime Freshwater which looks like a decent light but for a light that is over £250 it only has a 1 year warranty. Having worked with LED lighting for some years that doesn’t inspire me much.

Any good lights with decent warranties out there?
My Superfish scaper light has failed and, although they offer a 2 year warranty, it’s taking very long to replace. Local MH were apologetic but I’m getting to the point where I actually need a working light.

I considered some more expensive options such as the AI Prime Freshwater which looks like a decent light but for a light that is over £250 it only has a 1 year warranty. Having worked with LED lighting for some years that doesn’t inspire me much.

Any good lights with decent warranties out there?

Where in Scotland are you and what size light do you need? I would be happy to loan you some if you’re nearby? Got spare Twinstar, Week Aqua, Aquael etc.