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Warm Water Fish?


14 Apr 2023
Kent, UK
Hi all, Im on a mission to find species that can comfortably and ethically live in a tank that's 28-30°C. They'd have to live with L046 zebra plecos and preferably be small and shrimp safe as one day (After lots more research) I might consider seeing if Sulawesi Cardinal shrimp would be okay in the tank. That most probably won't happen however due to PH differences as the zebras like it between 6-7 apparently. So im definitely considering non shrimp safe species. Thanks everyone 👍
There are many fish that sit in that bracket, but I’m not sure I’d be adding any fish to a l046 tank; not worth the risk imo

Not on PC at the moment, but when I get a chance I will get a DB export out of a list of fish that fit your requirements 👍
There are many fish that sit in that bracket, but I’m not sure I’d be adding any fish to a l046 tank; not worth the risk imo

Not on PC at the moment, but when I get a chance I will get a DB export out of a list of fish that fit your requirements 👍
Thank you! It's just that I've seen a lot of people on youtube keep suitable fish with them, also I've read that keeping other peaceful active fish with them will help them to feel safer in the tank. I'd definitely quarantine them first as I have a tank spare for that if I did get some fish to add, but just doing research at the moment.
not worth the risk imo
Because of potential aggression? Or are you thinking of eggs and fry
Just a couple of ideas that live in South America, but not sure if native to the Rio Xingu system... there will be many others also...

Hockeystick pencilfish - Nannostomus eques- Live at the surface so very unlikely to interact with L046, mouths very tiny so can't eat fry even if the fry decided to visit the surface, okay with 28C temps and soft, low pH water.

Green Neon Tetra - Paracheirodon simulans - more of a mid-dweller - might eat fry but they are very small fish and size of prey will be proportional. Allegedly okay up to temps of 35C, okay with soft, low pH water.

Both will prefer less flow than zebra pleco's so try and keep the high flow area down low.

I imagine the "not worth the risk" comment was more about the risk of introducing disease or parasites into the realm of expensive fish, and the quarantine situation.
The Discus chap l know had many of the common tetras,dwarf chiclids, some sp..corys in his aquariums, he used to say the fish house kept so much heat in ,the heaters were rarely on. If carefully done ,airstones and so on ,think you have good choice
Yes, my “not worth the risk” is that you cannot quarantine for everything, and tho pecs are relatively resilient it’s not a risk I would take.

You then have the follow up punch, that eggs and fry are not that big, and would be food.

Finally, I think to do right by these fish you should have a good degree of flow and set up the tank to be quite natural - something many other fish won’t really enjoy.

Unless you’ve bought mature specimens they also take a while to mature, as in a couple of years or so..

I wouldn’t mind setting up a stream tank with some, they’re a lot cheaper now than they were in 2010 😅
he used to say the fish house kept so much heat in ,the heaters were rarely on.


I do wonder about this a lot; how much insulation vs thermal mass of the water to calculate how many watts of electricity is use to heat the room. Fish houses outside the house tend not to be gas heated etc. a lot of factors to it.