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Views on my hardscape attempt

Im not an expert and this is only my point of view.
The stones look a bit too small for the size of the tank and are too scattered.When placing them U should consider the hight of the plants that will be in also.They seem too deep in the substrate.If your idea is to go for rock only scape will make a big difference if you try to source one or two big stones and work arround them.Have a look at George Farmer's hardscape videos he recently made its very well explained and will get you in the right direction.Good luck with your project and all the best
Regards Konsa
Thanks Konsa,
I completely agree with you about the size but have been struggling to find any for a while now so might just have to go with it. I saw a similar build which inspired the scattered rock formation and thought it worked appearance wise but that's only my view.
I'm still happy to receive more input though.
No expert here either, it's not bad just lacks something, thought i couldn't see enough off the rocks, they would soon be lost when the plants get going. Plus a bit more random may look better too. Right side to the back maybe more AS

Do you normally do your hardscape in the BUFF, lucky there was no compromising angles

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Is what your after, and its very nice - fits the rule of thirds/ golden ratio pretty good


Yours isnt quite there yet

'A'. tends to draw the eye when it should be 'B' and 'B' IMO isnt big enough it will be lost in the plants, whilst 'A' is too big or maybe an angle change


yours rocks on left could do with being out off the AS a bit more like the pic off tank you like


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