I will be soon receiving my new 90*50*50 cm(230L) open-topped tank. Water movement will be via an Eheim 600T, 1800LPH, through 75 cm of spraybar mounted about 5 cm under water level. Lighting will be Maxspect razor at 30-45cm above water level, so should not produce undue heat.
Can anyone give me a very vague guesstimate as to evaporation rate per week?
I have to make a decision between a 10litre or 25 litre RO container for auto-topup - I would prefer the 10L but not if I am going to have to change during the week.
Can anyone give me a very vague guesstimate as to evaporation rate per week?
I have to make a decision between a 10litre or 25 litre RO container for auto-topup - I would prefer the 10L but not if I am going to have to change during the week.