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Verdict of new 'algae eater' dwarf hovering loach (Yunnanilus cruciatus)


24 Jul 2015

I was down at my LFS looking for livestock options to put in my newly scaped tank. So far my thoughts are that I would like some Pentazona barbs, a pair of dwarf cichlids, some shrimps and then I was thinking about getting some more algae eater ability. I was shown the dwarf hovering loach as an option and watched them hoovering around on top of the bog wood in an algae eating like motion. I was wondering if anyone has experience with these guys? Can anyone comment on their algae eating ability? I am guessing that unlike ottos they would not clean any glass and maybe only do the substrates.

The majority of loaches presented as algae eaters in the LFS actualy aren't exclusive algae eaters at all.. It is more of a sales trick than anything else and for the majority of them you could consider a Black Molly (far from a loach) a beter algae eater than 90% of the loaches out there. And even the few that actualy do have a small amount of algae on their diet, non of them realy are a remedi against algae outbreaks. So for their algae eating abbility they are all over rated with misplaced algae eater namegiving, because of their alledged looking like algae eating behaivor, to make you buy them.

Than snails and shrimps do a much beter job, but still not sufficient enough, to be a remedi against alage growth and manual cleaning or other means to prevent excessive alage growth.

Bottom line, for the algae eating ability you don't need to buy them. The so called best algae eaters out there sold as Chinese or Siamese algae eater are actualy not suitable for small aqauriums. All are sold as juveniles but in the end grow much to big for any tank bellow 250 litres.
I went and had a look at them again today. They are very nice fish and i think i will get a fecent sized school of then in addition to 6 ottos. Thanks for the input guys.