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Vallisneria gigantea/americana keeping it green?


12 Nov 2013
Fareham, Hampshire

I recently bought some 'Giant Vallis' from my local aquatic shop which had been growing in one of their display tanks and over run it...just a tad.

I love the stuff, but in my aquarium the leaves are tuning from green to a less attractive bronze/gold/beige colour, its growth is strong with each leaf putting on more than a inch a day. But I want to keep it bright green from base to tip, any idea's what going wrong?

Tank is a 300l, with 200 watts from mixture of full spectrum T8's (all for growing plants), I have loam on the base and mixture of sand and JBL Manado, then few clay balls and about 30 JBL Balls (Kugeln) through the substraight, I use Dupla Plant 24 daily drops (6 a day) do a 40% weekly water change and then use Tetra Plantamin after water changes. Plus easycarbo everyday dosing about 10-15ml as lights go on. All the plants in the tank i.e. Java ferns, various crypts, red tiger lotus, spatterdock, amazon swords) are growing well and looking fab with not a spec of algae.

I plan on getting JBL CO2 u403 or m603 at the end of the month (wages dependant, would prefer the later!) I don't want to change my lighting as the tubes are pretty new oldest is 5 months old and even though its old school it works for pretty well for everything else 🙂

Any idea's what else I could try?

Val. gigantea does exactly this, when good (in your case too good ) light conditions are present.
Thanks for replying, I did wonder about the light level and seeing its actually worse near the top of the tank it makes sense. Seems obvious now... wishful thinking that it might have been a nutrient deficiency. I think I will add some bronze crypts, see if I can make it work🙂 lol
If you want "green" - and green only- change your giants to standard Vallisneria natans. These stay green at all times. Can grow quite big too !!