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Vallis and Excel/Easycarbo


1 Dec 2007
Bakewell, Derbsyhire
I would like to add vallis to one or two of my tanks, I have read on the net that vallis can be sensitive to excel/easycarbo dosing, does anyone here use it with them or have any hard evidence either way, I don't really want to go to the expence of adding something that may just die becasue of the excel/easycarbo.

I had some vallis in my tank a while back when I was dosing Excel. It grew but it never really looked healthy. It did send out loads of runners though... Only thing to do is experiment 🙂 I'm sure someone on here could send you a few plants for the cost of postage so you can see how they do.
Opinions seem to differ on this. Maybe the species/variety has a bearing.

I grew the common straight vallis in a low tech tank and it grew fast. When I added some more demanding plants I started dosing Excel as per the bottle and I never noticed any impact on the vallis at all, it still grew like a weed over a period of a few months until I tired of it's tenacity and pulled it out. Worth mentioning though that I never double dosed or dosed directly onto the plant.
I think Beeky is right - you have to try it and see. I grew a long straight vallais sucessfully without carbon supplement but as soon as I started double doing (i.e. what the bottle says is maximum dose for heavily planted tank) EasyCarbo its growth became arrested. I grew the short twisty one sucessfully both pre and post EasyCarbo but when I lowered my fert (TPN+) dosing the tank ran out of N and so the EasyCarbo uptake must have dropped off correspondingly causing a build up - because then the leaf edges and exposed roots got a "burnt" look and some of the plants disintegrated completely. They are recovering now, since I upped the TPN+ dose again.

If your Vallais are not expendable then best to stick to the standard dose and/or perhaps every other day.
Thanks for the replies, I have put some vallis(twisted and straight) into 3 tanks, a 180ltr, 25ltr and a 80ltr, the ones in the 180 and 25 are doing ok, no melt, the ones in the 80 are melting big time, making a real mess 🙁 should I leave them in or take them out, any chance they may recover? I'm doing x2 easycarbo ATM

Well just to update, all the Valiis including some nana all melted, died and didn't come back, as to whether it was the easycarbo or my soft water I'll never know, but a combination of the two isn't a good mix :shock:
Maybe you've hit the nail on the head. I didn't have any issue with dosing, but I've got hard water. Vallis is supposed to prefer hard water, so maybe the combination is enough to see it off.