Wanted to try it for a while but now have second thoughts. Got a pot of in-vitro utricularia graminifolia. Used Tropica aqua soil (new. was this a mistake?), split it into 10-15 parts. The bottom part looked a bit white which worries me a bit. Plopped into small holes in aquasoil.
Filled with a mix of water from a cycled planted tank and RO so that the soil is pretty much in water but the plants aren't covered. Clingfilm before I get a proper lid. Spraying with RO with some Tropica ferts.
Would you change anything to increase the chance of it turning into a lovely carpet and not mulch?

Filled with a mix of water from a cycled planted tank and RO so that the soil is pretty much in water but the plants aren't covered. Clingfilm before I get a proper lid. Spraying with RO with some Tropica ferts.
Would you change anything to increase the chance of it turning into a lovely carpet and not mulch?