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Utricularia graminifolia emersed


29 Jun 2024
Wanted to try it for a while but now have second thoughts. Got a pot of in-vitro utricularia graminifolia. Used Tropica aqua soil (new. was this a mistake?), split it into 10-15 parts. The bottom part looked a bit white which worries me a bit. Plopped into small holes in aquasoil.
Filled with a mix of water from a cycled planted tank and RO so that the soil is pretty much in water but the plants aren't covered. Clingfilm before I get a proper lid. Spraying with RO with some Tropica ferts.
Would you change anything to increase the chance of it turning into a lovely carpet and not mulch?

Would you change anything to increase the chance of it turning into a lovely carpet and not mulch?
I tried U. graminifolia in some old soil I had lying around and it did okay I guess, but growth was very slow. Now I keep it on clay from the garden and it grows like wildfire, quickly turning into a thick and dense carpet. If the humidity drops a bit it also flowers nicely. No idea if the same kind of setup would work for everyone, but I think that some not too nutrient rich mud, with plenty of microorganisms in it, should be pretty close to what it's used to in the wild.
I tried U. graminifolia in some old soil I had lying around and it did okay I guess, but growth was very slow. Now I keep it on clay from the garden and it grows like wildfire, quickly turning into a thick and dense carpet. If the humidity drops a bit it also flowers nicely. No idea if the same kind of setup would work for everyone, but I think that some not too nutrient rich mud, with plenty of microorganisms in it, should be pretty close to what it's used to in the wild.
Do you have any pics of the setup?
I've grown Utricularia graminifolia emersed on aquasoil many times now.

The only thing I would change from what you're doing is to split the clumps up a bit. There seems to be enough that you could probably divide each one in two or ideally more and get an even covering from the beginning. It will help it spread much faster. Usually I do the thinnest layer possible, sometimes only a few blades thick.

I also think you don't need to have tropica ferts in the spray. Whilst they're not totally adversed to nutrients like some terrestrial Utricularia species, they really don't need it.

Do you have any pics of the setup?
Didn't find any good ones on the phone, but could take a couple next time I'm "home" (I'm mostly in a student flat this time of year). This is from a similar setup, but with clay smeared over some old filter foam to get some extra height:
You'll have to excuse the bald patch though, it's my "set-and-forget" jar so ventilation has been non-existent.
I've grown Utricularia graminifolia emersed on aquasoil many times now.

The only thing I would change from what you're doing is to split the clumps up a bit. There seems to be enough that you could probably divide each one in two or ideally more and get an even covering from the beginning. It will help it spread much faster. Usually I do the thinnest layer possible, sometimes only a few blades thick.

I also think you don't need to have tropica ferts in the spray. Whilst they're not totally adversed to nutrients like some terrestrial Utricularia species, they really don't need it.
Luscious! Any advice how much water to leave? Above soil and let it sit partially in water or keep it below top sol level?