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Urgent: Where to buy a drop checker tomorrow?


27 May 2015
South Oxfordshire
Being the ham fisted oaf that I am, I've just dropped and broken my brand new drop checker!
I desperately want to set my co2 up tomorrow so want to buy another one from a store if possible.

I live just north of Reading so if anyone knows of a shop that keeps them in stock please let me know!
Not of any shop that sells them but i got one if you get desperate. Im in Windsor

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Thats very good of you. It's hard to find the time to do what I need and I had Saturday pencilled in for it! Are you around tomorrow?

I'll call the local MA stores and The goldfish bowl in Oxford but if I can't find one I'll send you a pm if that's ok?
Im around saturday/this morning until about half 11. Going to guildford, then will be back i reckon late afternoon

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Im around saturday/this morning until about half 11. Going to guildford, then will be back i reckon late afternoon

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You could just wing it or if your have a pH pen that will be better. Drop checkers are good for a good quick glance at the tank nothing else as they have a 1-2 hours delay.
Wing it method.
Set the bubble counter at about "1 bps" per 100 L set the co2 to turn on an hour before lights on.
During the first day make sure you're fish behave normally, if they start gasping at the surface at any point turn off the co2 and increase surface movement by point filter outlet or power head upwards. If this happens towards the end of the photo period consider having the co2 shut down half an hour earlier.
Make small adjustments until you have it right.

If you can measure the ph with a meter you're probable looking for a 1 pH drop between co2 turning on and lights turning on and the co2 staying there until on hour before lights off which is when your co2 turns off.
Bought a cheap jbl one from MA this morning.

More annoyingly the bubble counter from co2art is leaking!