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Under gravel heater

Steven c

10 May 2015
Good evening
Thinking of getting a under gravel heater for new set up, thought I'd pick your brains on the idea?
It's a heater that is concealed under the gravel same as under floor heating. JBL do one.
Perhaps you are talking about a heating cable, they were very popular in the 80s because it was believed the cable caused movement of water within the gravel bed & drew down fertiliser to the plant roots .... every one was using them at the time.
The cables were low voltage & low power so they did not actually supply enough heat to get the take warm enough.
I have used one in the past. Foxfish is right it won't heat your tank so you will still need another heater. I did get good plant growth when I used it in my sand but with all the substrates and additives around now i don't think it would be worth it.