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UKAPS, transparency and the future.

Iain Sutherland

Global Moderator
7 Jul 2011
Hello fellow Ukaps'ers.

As most of you will be aware UKAPS has been going through a tough time and in truth, its been pretty terrible for the ukaps team trying to keep it together, working out the best future for ukaps all while being attacked. During the past few weeks most of the Ukaps team have quit due to the stress and abuse received for something we do voluntarily and supposedly for fun!

Up until last week, i dont think any of the ukaps team had seen any financial information, ever, and also didn't feel a need to. This is a hobby and most of us signed up to help moderate content and have no interest in running a forum and certainly not the politics of it. Our slow reactions have been perceived by some as planning some sort of cover up but truth be told, we all have lives to live, some of us messy, inconvenient and emotionally draining lives and this mess just isnt the priority. I and the team hoped that members would understand (a vast majority of you did, thanks) trusting we would get there but slow and deliberate moves is the better option than rash ill thought out ones.

We had discussions with Dan Crawford who sent financial summaries showing donations, costs and sponsorship and be clear - Ukaps is not awash with funds as you see in the attachemnet. I fully appreciate that some members (and especially ex members) of the community may feel this is not enough and more financial clarity is needed. If you feel this way please do post below and the forum community can decide where this is going. I should also say the summary below is calendar years with 2024 obviously being 6 months, there has been a further significant server cost since.
For me (and i only speak for myself here) the accounts are so small and the information provided is close to what i would expect that i am happy to trust Dan, as the forum has for the last 15 years, and to commit to moving Ukaps forward rather than wasting time looking back.

The few team members that remain have one objective now - to keep ukaps alive by formalising a change over of the society from founder ownership into member ownership.

Ukaps was set up by friends with a shared passion, it was never a business but has now (maybe some time ago!) got to a point it needs to change its format for the future and the size of membership it now has.
Everyone using the forum would agree that it is an amazing resource, created by its members and with the goodwill of members who become moderators and Admins (@LondonDragon bloody legend!). Many of you will know i havent really used the forum much of late but it was there for me when i wanted it and i would like for it to still be there when i have time to get involved again. I would be truly sad if it were to die.

But we are a crossroads folks and I fear Ukaps will not be here in the future if this last role of the dice doesnt play out.

The forum needs you to decide what happens. If the members want to move forward, accepting a change of ownership in good faith from the founders then the remaining team will try to do our best to pull that together around holidays and life. If the stink that has been going on behind the scenes continues and members react when supposed 'new members' post further suggestions of wrong doing, then the last of the team will probably step down as we just dont need the grief and that will be that.

If you want ukaps to be around for the future, we need staff to moderate the forum and we need moderators to then become members of the societies' newly formed committee with official duties. The duties would be minimal and not require large amounts of time but will be a commitment none the less especially as we get ourselves reorganised after the past weeks.

If you would like to help, you’ll have a history with the forum, consistent posting, been around a year or more and have the right demeaner within your posts to maintain what makes Ukaps amazing; friendly, moderate, inclusive feel and interested in others endeavors. Extremes of opinion need not apply. Please comment below and we will be in touch, alternatively drop me a DM.

If you have particular skills - IT, finance, accountant, secretary, event organising etc then also please say so or message as this would be a great help in ensuring we have a mixed skill base when it comes to the committee roles.

Assuming folks come forward and Ukaps lives to fight another day then further info around the Society and its constitution will be shared as soon as its finalised and agreed.




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I have been a member for only six months, and it's been extremely helpful. I don't have the skills or experience to help with the forum's 'core mission', but I do want it to continue as a community of like-minded, positive, and friendly people. I want us to move forward, and I agree that we just have to put our swords down at this point.

Due to my inexperience and newness in the field, I can only offer consistent financial support to help the 'back-end' keep working and let others focus on the 'front-end'. But if it's needed, then I am in.
@Iain Sutherland, thank you for this. It seems very timely. In a time of friction and ambiguity, one of the best things that can be done is to communicate frequently and transparently. Professionally, my advice to managers seeking to manage teams through change is to communicate as much as possible, and that there is no such things as over communicating as everybody responds to chi he differently and everybody need to be taken along. Even if that communication is “we’re still working on it”. On that basis, this post is timely and I’m sure welcomed by many.
This sounds like good news to me. I believe Ukaps will be the better for having been through this all, though saddened that it has caused so much division and hurt. I'd like to hope that everyone ultimately wants the same thing in moving forward with a more appropriate and accountable organizational structure behind the scenes so that the forum and, importantly, the community can continue to thrive.
I hope those who feel skeptical or mislead about the management in the past can also move on seeing that it is being taken seriously, within the capacity and resources of the team, and that the call for transparency will lead to change.
I'd love to offer to help though I've not yet been on a year and suspect the time I could offer will be too little at this stage of life. Willing to give it a trial run if you need me 😃