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21 May 2016
Just read through the twin star sticky post?
Who is using one? Are they worth getting?
What size tank can they do as the ones ive seen say upto 120ltrs tank.
All pond solutions have dropped the price to 50 quid.
They are great at reducing green algae on hardscape and best used from start up. They will have no effect on brown algae, BBA, BGA etc. They also dont reduce the need for maintenance aside rock scrubbing.

Really they work best on a 60 cm maybe a 90 but not as effective. I ran two on a 120 and they didnt work anywhere near as well as with a smaller tank.

If you have intricate rockwork with mosses and liverworts on where toothbrush scrubbing is tricky then they are a must.
I have found the Chihros Doctor 2 on ebay for £52 that will run on my size tank and aparently the difuser part takes less cleaning.
I know its not going to be the be all and end all and i am never going to have to do water changes or mainance ever again🙂.Never really have much algea issues now(famous last words🙂)
But i currently use purigen in my filter because i like the water clarity it gives as well a the water quality.As i dont like the thought of regen in bleach i ussualy sling it and replace with new ever couple of months so easily makes the cost of the chihros unit.
My question is would the Chihros give me the simular water clarity and quality as using purgen?
I also dose iron twice a week along with ei would this have a effect on the unit?From what i can gather its works just the same as a twinstar.
im in two minds about giving one a try at the min.
From what I've read it works via electrolysis. So it takes H2O and splits it into hydrogen and oxygen. Same way people use hydrogen peroxide to inhibit algae. The increase in oxygen has the same effect as having a tank that is mature. The extra oxygen saturation helps the bio-filter work better.
Yes correct from what i can gather going rhrough the various post on the subject the main benifit is it will raise the ORP in the water.
But this is something that is easily achievable with other methods good surface agitation good flow and the plants themself pearling in a high tech tank the ORP values should be close to max i would have thought?
So looking at it the benifit of the unit would be very limited i would think?
After thinking about it thats my take on it anyways.
Yes correct from what i can gather going rhrough the various post on the subject the main benifit is it will raise the ORP in the water.
But this is something that is easily achievable with other methods good surface agitation good flow and the plants themself pearling in a high tech tank the ORP values should be close to max i would have thought?

I would use it to get the tank to that point. I always have problems with my tanks because I redo them to much.