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90 yr Lady

New Member
Thread starter
15 Jun 2024
Chico, California, USA
My Cryptocoryne wendtii were new 2 months ago when planted. Now they are turning "purple" from green ??? The water Ph is 70, high Ph 70, KH 120, GH 180, ammonia 0, nitrite 0, nitrate 30. LED light on for 10 hrs, full power. Fertilizer with API, Flourish, Excel, Potassium and iron - doses for ten gallon tank, but mine is a 20 gallon long, and I dose daily, fully planted. Other plants OK, tank has been set up for 2 1/2 yrs. Inert substrate = small gravel.

Why is the Crypt turning purple, this color starts from the stem end ???
Cryptocoryne wendtii ‘Tropica’ does turn a purple/brown colour when grown submerged. I had some in my tank and it grew huge with purple brown leaves, mainly at the bottom.
My wendtii are purple'ish too - more green when I originally planted them. I don't know exactly why that is, but it seems to be perfectly normal.
