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Tropica's new plant is now on their website.

Here's some more shots of the Staurogyne sp. from my current 30cm, 10 litre nano.

I've used it in my 120cm and 60cm too. Awesome plant.




The aquascape has improved considerably since this - http://www.tropica.dk/article.asp?type= ... tic&id=855

It will be featured in the July '08 PFK issue...
Excellent looking plant, does anyone know when this will be avalible to buy?
LondonDragon said:
... or you had to sign in blood something with Tropica :lol:

Well, I was honoured that Tropica asked me to test out a few new plant species last year. It was very exciting for me to be honest.

Staurogyne is by far my favourite from the few I tested and I think it will be a big hit in the planted tank world. It's an ideal plant for foreground in bigger tanks, in particular. It doesn't demand high light or CO2, but does better in a nutrient-rich substrate. I've grown it in four seperate tanks and by far the best has been in ADA Aqua Soil, with medium light, no CO2 but Easycarbo. TPN+ ferts.

I've also used it significantly in my 60cm contest entry, so hopefully I'll get extra marks for innovation!! lol

BTW Tropica are showing the new plants off at the Interzoo, starting this weekend. Keep an eye on the PFK Blogs, as Matt Clarke will be putting up some video footage of the whole event, including Tropica and the other planted tank stands, hopefully.


johnny70 said:
Excellent looking plant, does anyone know when this will be avalible to buy?

Very soon I would imagine. Try contacting our UKAPS sponsors who both supply Tropica plants. 🙂
james3200 said:
Looks nice,

Does it need much thinning out?
Hi James,

No. It's been pretty slow growing in all my set ups, almost as slow as Pogostemon helferi. Even with 4wpg, 30ppm CO2 and heavy fert dosing, growth was managable, requiring pruning only every 2 or 3 weeks or so.

In my nano, I've only pruned it back once in 10 weeks. And no algae on the leaves like most experience with Anubias either, not even a speck of GSA.

So you can see why I'm pretty excited about this plant...

Graeme Edwards said:
Nice scape mate.

That plant looks very fish freindly. I can think of a few scape ideas that it would fit into.

Nice plant and nice work!
Thanks, Graeme!

Yes, it's certainly fish friendly in terms of it not being easy to uproot. The stems are really tough and it plants into the substrate very nicely. The overlapping leaves provide great shelter for shrimp too, so breeding would be a doddle in the right set up.

It also responds well to pruning. Chop of the growing tip and it will readily sprout side shoots, enabling a nice carpet effect in time and carefully targeting pruning. Re-planting the growing tip works a treat too.

I'll try to post one of my 120cm 'scapes tonight that, where I've used it quite effectively as a foreground plant.

I have emailed Richard at AE his response

I’ll try and order the plant next week and see if it arrives

So hopefully within a week or two it will be on their site 😀
Unless Tropica have built up huge stocks I expect the plant will be quite difficult to get hold of for a while. Every 'scaper and his dog are going to be after this!
Luketendo said:
Any ideas on that this plant requires?

Just thinking could be good in my tank that I plan to have crypts in.

Oops sorry for this, looks like this plant will thrive in my tank.