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Tropica plant catalogue

I have a copy mate so I'm sure it's either in the relevant retailers now, or will be very soon. Might be worth dropping TGM a line. RRP is £3. Well worth every penny IMO.

Their website will be updated very soon too, and it's very impressive.
George Farmer said:
I have a copy mate so I'm sure it's either in the relevant retailers now, or will be very soon. Might be worth dropping TGM a line. RRP is £3. Well worth every penny IMO.

Their website will be updated very soon too, and it's very impressive.

Thanks George,
Not a clue actually, that's how much it is in my nearest one, I imagine it ought to be in all of them though that's no guarantee in a shop that I've asked for neon tetras and they've not known what I'm after.