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Tropica 90 days app - Aqua One Aquanano40


11 Nov 2013
Good evening people,

As the title might suggest I've bought a new tank and I'm back in the hobby!

Plants - Purchased from greenmachine
-Echinodorus Aquartica x 2
-Echinodorus Tenellus
-Limnophila Sessiliflora
-Tiger Lotus - arrived damaged. Planted it anyway but removed as the bulb started to rot. Sounds daft but Im pleased because the tiger lotus would of probably taken away all the light to the other plants.

Tropica Plant Growth Substrate.
Tropica Premium Ferts.
Tropica System 60 Co2 (Canister).

I did have 5 amano's however they decided to emigrate and dry out on the carpet. I learnt that they are good escapologists the hard way!


16 days later.. I surprised to see the Limnophila struggling. I have grown this before and it was way more successful. However Im pleased that the Tenellus is taking over.

Comments welcome