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Tropica 1-2 Grow

Dave Y

26 Jul 2019
Poole, Dorset. UK
Hi All,

Hoping someone can help with advice on Tropica 12 grow pots. I recently ordered a bunch of pots for a new tank but only part of the order has arrived, I want to wait until the next lot arrives before planting to avoid algae issues.
Does anyone know how long the pots will keep before planting?
And the best conditions to keep them? Under a light or doesnt it matter?

Thanks in advance
15C or below and out of direct sunlight / direct artificial light. Ambient light is fine. Depends on the species and how old the pot was when you bought it, but two weeks is a good general estimate.
Perfect, thanks for the replies.

The shop just got them in stock so hopefully they are fairly new, they look nice and healthy anyway.