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Trigon 350 opinions


15 Feb 2016
Hi all, another Trigon thread here!

I've been reading some of the previous threads, and basically confirms my experience that it can be a very challenging tank to scape properly...

As it stands, I have cichlids and barbs in mine just now; and im really not enjoying it, especially since my interests have turned more towards scaping and planting.

Assuming I trade in my fish tomorrow, it leaves me with a tonne of anubias coffifolia and barteri to play around with.

For this tank, I can't really afford co2 cylinders at the moment; or the hassle of setting a system up just now; but wondered if I'd be able to grow anything interesting plant wise, with perhaps co2 pellets or equivalent that I've heard of?

Ideally it would be carpeting plants of some sort, then bushy types to compliment the anubias, with perhaps a large shoal of neons and shrimps.

Appreciate advice on it, just trying to get ideas together just now 🙂
Hi aqua360, from the trigon threads I've followed flow around the tank seems to be the main issue, you could supplement the plants with a liquid carbon product like excel, what lighting does the tank have at the moment ? Tropica lists there plants into 3 categories http://tropica.com/en/plants/ anything from the easy category should do well and a lot of the medium category should do well with liquid carbon supplement and nutrient dosing depending on the intensity of your lighting.
Sold mine and went for a traditional rectangular one.

I found basically most the tank ended up being wasted space as you have no background area to use.

Also fairly difficult to light at the rear as can only use short lights.

Maybe a planted island design might work fairly well. There are some nice examples around.
Regarding the option of dosing liquid carbon, is there a cost effective option for a tank as large as this?

I'd be trying to figure out a monthly figure if possible
I'm doubting myself here now. I'm spending more than that on CO2 gas a year - hmmm!
May require a double or triple dose for a highly planted tank, some plants and fish/shrimp do not do well at higher doses, not as efficient as gas so may not be able to grow all plants, help with the doubt mate 🙂
A quick few pics I took, to show what I'm dealing with lol.

For some reason the tank looks blue in these pics, it is however, black backing; with black/grey sand.

I'm seriously considering investing in the Juwel 3D backgrounds, but don't know if these would accumulate grime and dirt?

Also may change sand colour, definitely laying down plant substrate first!


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I'd keep the black and make hardscape and plants your background.

Have a look at this Trigon 190. Looks amazing and you could do it on a bigger scale...

That does look awesome, though the background on it looks a superb black; I wonder if I should have painted a shiny black, mine is a kind of Matt, but it doesn't give that look from the video 🙁
Blackboard paint works well for the background, also worth searching trigon journals by members on here Gary Nelson has put together some awesome scapes in his trigon.http://www.ukaps.org/forum/threads/natures-corner-naturalis-trigon-190-now-closed.26802/


had a look at that thread you posted, that is almost exactly what I'd be looking to replicate; also picked up from the thread that the member used redwood, and spiky moss, something I'll have to look out for now 🙂
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had a look at that thread you posted, that is almost exactly what I'd be looking to replicate; also picked up from the thread that the member used redwood, and spiky moss, something I'll have to look out for now 🙂
Think he injected co2, as long as you keep your plant list with liquid carbon in mind I think you'll have a cracking scape mate, look forward to your journal 🙂
Think he injected co2, as long as you keep your plant list with liquid carbon in mind I think you'll have a cracking scape mate, look forward to your journal 🙂


I'm in the planning stages now, traded in a lot of my fish yesterday; though I'm making sure my blood parrot goes to a good home as she is special to me.

Hopefully I'll start gathering materials soon, and can commend a journal from scratch.

Right now my list of needs/wants includes:

- plant substrate
- new colour sand substrate
- redmoor wood
- flourish glue
- background, either 3D Juwel STR or stick with existing.
- liquid carbon, (and fertiliser?)

once i have these, I've decided to go for a large corner sponge filter, with wavemaker for circulation. I hate canisters with a passion lol, and despite the air bubbles being bad for CO2; I can turn down the power so that it's a minimal surface agitation. Hopefully it wouldn't throw off the liquid carbon too much :/

I have the standard lighting that comes with the trigon, apparently its sufficient for plants according to Juwel; but I kind of doubt this, so I'm hoping to scape with either weeping moss or the spiky moss i seen in the other thread you mentioned...with some large amazon swords surrounding the wood.

I'd like to try and follow the same thought as that other thread, and go for the redmoor wood reaching out from the back.

Eventually, all being well; I'd like to keep my bioload super light, perhaps opting for 50x cardinal tetras, or green neons. I tend to find regular neons can be quite weak, love cardinals though; and i can get the green neons wild caught.

Sorry to ramble lol, wish i had the funds to purchase all in the one go, but looks like this will take longer than i'd expect haha
also quite excited to try the liquid carbon, great suggestions here guys 😀
for liquid carbon...is dwarf hairgrass or pygmy chainsword out of the question?

Or really any carpet plant that will root without floating away. Bit of a long shot I'm guessing, but I'm reading conflicting reports on success here on the interwebz