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Tranquility - My low tech 186L journey


3 Aug 2012
Hello World,

My name is Murray and I am from Scotland.

Many moons ago I had a 60L shrimp tank that was nothing special but at a time in my life when things were up in the air it was a welcome escape.

Fast forward 10 odd years and I have a man cave in our house that I’ve turned into a sanctuary. Sometimes I need an escape from modern day life and I wanted to reignite that escape method so I had my eye on a 60cm 100L odd size tank but noticed Waterbox had a 50% off sale and me being Scottish it seemed rude not to!

For the money spent the quality is amazing and I am very excited to get up and running but taking my time and doing it once and properly.

It’s going to be low tech - If I fancy doing CO2 in the future then so be it but right now the plants I’m tempted by are easy category (Anubias, Crypts, Moss etc)

I have attached some photos of the tank - I collect plane parts for managed to squeeze it in - Only just!) 😊

Dimensions (LxWxH):900 x 500 x 450mm
Height with Cabinet: 1350mm
Display Volume: 186 L

I have set the tank up on 18mm marine ply as I am a bit of a worrier at heart so wanted to spread the load as whilst I know it’s not as heavy as most tanks here it’s a bit of a step of from a 60L.

Equipment wise I am thinking the below but again some items to be confirmed in due course.

Filter: Oase Biomaster 600
Light: Unsure I don’t think I need anything fancy but want to get a good one

Hardscape shall be black lava rock and some form of sand in a nature style triangular orientation from the right to left as I get a good view of the left so want that to be open for the side on view.

Livestock TBC but want to get Corydoras and shrimp for a starter but again TBC.

Going to a decent fish shop (Riverside Aquaria, Livingston) as I am fussy and we don’t have great hardscape selection round my vicinity.

I will you all well in you’re own adventures and I thank you for taking the time to read my journal.

Best Wishes,

Murray 🙂


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Hello Folks,

Small update I am going to what appears to be a good fish shop to have a look at the hardscape selection.

Local Maidenhead Aquatic stores are pricy and poor range. Looking forward to hopefully buying some hardscape 😊

I shall be using I am thinking a base layer of small lava rock with Tropica Soil. Want to have a sand side and front for the Corys but aware I need to keep the soil separate from the sand 😊

Have a lovely weekend!



Small update for the time being - After trailing the length of what felt like Scotland in an attempt to get some hardscape I was happy with (I’m a fussy little critter)

I struck lucky with a seller here on UKAPS and managed to get around 50kg of Seiryu and Manten stone. (Manten stone shall get used in a tank at my workplace)

I was planning on lava rock but I sure do have a soft spot for Seiryu and the rocks purchased have amazing textures and veins.

With the impending temp closure of UKAPS I plan on by the time things get back on track to have the hardscape in situ and everything progressing well.

Hope everyone is well 😊

Thanks for reading my waffle.



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Hello Folks,

It’s been a while hope you are all doing well.

Got some updates to share which is nice 😊

The two filters are in position with inlet and outlet (stainless steel) set up but removed for hardscaping.

Going to put a base of lava rock in nets topped with Tropica soil (also in nets) then capped with Unipac Silver Sand.

I purchased a piece of Corbo online which has some character. Being brutally honest it’s not what I thought it might be (hard to tell from 1 angle photo) but I think it works with the Island style that I’m looking to go for.

I just hope it’s all worth it - It’s been a great distraction from modern day life and it sure will be nice when the fish and shrimps are in. I hope the Corydoras appreciate it!

I’m thinking about using Dennerle River S & Baikal slate chippings as scatter gravel to break up the transition between Seiryu and sand. Hope it isn’t to sharp for Corydoras hopefully they will be busy in the sand but worst case I will just leave it out and use the River S tiny pebbles which are awesome 😊

Big thanks to Kallum who I purchased a large amount of these goodies from - Hope all is well with you!

Best Wishes,



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Lava rock and soil is in - I quite like the height it has generated but am a bit concerned about how deep the sand will need to be mainly in the back corners in order to cover the mound 😊

Update: Removed about 20% of the soil as I’m mainly doing epiphytes mound is less 😊

Just working out heights of everything.

I have now added the sand and will have a look at arranging the Corbo wood and Seiryu tomorrow.

Gut reaction is so far so good I am happy I just hope it all works out 😊


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Hello Everyone,

I hope you are all well and having a nice weekend.

I have put the wood in and added the Seiryu stone. I think I’m pretty happy with the general lay out I I’ll add some detail stones once I am fully happy with the layout.

Haven’t added any way of weighing down the wood so will probably cable tie some rocks to the wood on both sides as I don’t really have any way of pre soaking it.

Tempted to get the Chihiros Vivid light as I like the idea of a pendant light. Total overkill for my low tech needs I’m sure but I like the look of the unit with the stands and it gives me flexibility in the future if I wanted to try CO2 in the distant future.

It’s been good fun but I’m glad I didn’t go any bigger - I think next time I would probably stick to a 60p but for £374 I couldn’t resist the Waterbox 3ft setup.

Thank You,

Murray 😊


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Haven’t added any way of weighing down the wood so will probably cable tie some rocks to the wood on both sides as I don’t really have any way of pre soaking it.

From experience corbo root can take months to waterlog and sink fully, so you will need something to weight it down for quite a while. I'd get it securely bonded or tied to as many of those support rocks as possible before you flood it.
Thank you very much for the information Wookii - I really appreciate the heads up!! I have loads of cable ties and will use the two massive rocks left and right plus a rock in the center area to strap it down. 😊

My other tanks have been 60 Litre size - I don’t want to go bigger next time 😂
Small update I have purchased a Chihiros Vivid 2 light and support brackets plus placed a final order for odds and ends.

Decorative gravel is in place only thing to do is place an order for plants in due course once I get all the tech stuff set up. Used cable ties to secure the wood to the rocks until it’s water logged as not a fan on damaging the rocks with glue marks.

Should be filling the tank within the next 2 weeks as on annual leave 😊


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Hello everyone,

Well had a very enjoyable day putting the final hardware together.

Tank is two days into doing a dark start it’s going to be awesome when plants and fish are in once the dark start phase is done. Couldn’t resist a quick test with the new light though - It’s probably overkill for my needs but I do like it and will be running it on low lower.

All that’s left to do is some magnetic strips for my scaping tools and a black edge cut to 90cm to cover the marine ply base at the front.

It’s been a slog but it looks amazing and I cannot wait to truly enjoy a cup of tea (instead of a cold brew of Corbo tannins that I’m brewing nicely right now - need to change the water tomorrow I reckon)

Think I will get a tank for work but only a 55L but that will be a nice little new project once I’m done here. Might try an iwagumi with Manten stone as I have a bunch of that 😊 Multi tank syndrome lives…

Look after yourselves stay great and thank you to everyone here at UKAPS - It’s nice to be part of the family 😊

Best Wishes,



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Just a small update - Not much to report ai have been doing weekly 50% water changes and the test kit reports the below parameters:

Tank water:

GH: 6
KH: 6
pH: 7.2
Ammonia: 0.05 or below
Nitrates: 0.9
Nitrites: 0.1

It will be 3 weeks on this coming Wednesday so I am approaching the stage I assume I can add plants. I’m going to hold off on the clean up crew until the tank is more seasoned as I know there won’t be enough food for them.

Tempted to pick up some Celestial Pearl Danios and Corydoras whenever I do add the fish. I am excited to add some life (plants & fish/shrimps) but I’m happy to wait however long it takes to do it properly.

It’s my duty of care to look after those in my care so I’m not putting anyone in harms way!

Will update in due course - Think I will place a plant order once I check the stats again mid week.


Murray 🙂

P.S I have been naughty and switched the light on a few times but only for a matter of seconds 🤣


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Hello Folks,

Just a small update to say I have ordered plants from Horizon (seems to be a lot of plants out of stock but fortunately was able to get pretty much everything I wanted to get)

Gone for a nice mix of some I have used in the past and some new plants - never had a Buce before!

Will update once the tank has been planted - In the meantime I have attached pics of the order. Sorry it’s not just a photo of some bog wood and rocks like you have seen in the past… 🤣

I’m giddy with excitement to be honest 😊 It has been for me an amazing distraction from a chaotic and stressful life. I am so chuffed to be approaching a stage where I can think about a trip to my local fish shop to get some fish!

Take Care,

Murray 😊


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That’s the three week period of dark start over tonight - Performed a water change of around 80%

Plants arrive tomorrow - Horizon Aquatics called to fix a couple of stock issues with the order. I really like them such nice people - We are lucky to have such nice folk looking after us.

I’ve had an utterly hellish day at work I am glad to be here with you all here at UKAPS and to have this hobby to escape the “real” world. I’m not sure how I could cope with life otherwise tbh.

Anyway thank you to everyone - I am delighted to be in such fine company.

Best Wishes,



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When you finish the dark start , scrub that wood and then do the water change specially if it has biofilm , I didn't and it caused me so many issues
Hello folks,

Well today was a better day which is great 😊

Plants arrived and spent the evening doing the needful.

I must admit for my second planted tank ever I am pretty chuffed with how it turned out. Had a bit of an issue with not much sand at the back before the mesh bag aqua soil making planting difficult.

Thankfully most of the plants were epiphytes!

Just need to add some weeping moss and then grab some floating plants (Amazon frogbit I think)

I’m exited and thrilled and glad to be just one more step before heading to the fish shop to get some fish. Think I will do a water test tomorrow to double check things - Tempted to go to my LFS on Saturday but also tempted to give it a week to bed in and keep checking the parameters. Filters have been running for 3.5 weeks now so I’m hoping we’re on the right track!

Look after yourselves 😊




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Hi Folks,

Was able to get some lovely condition Amazon Frogbit from Pets & Home and one Anubias Nana for £15 which is pretty good. I may get another 2 tubs of frogbit if they have any tomorrow - Hard to get decent plants (I don’t like the Maidenhead Aquatics round here and my local fish shops are not great for plants)

Got round to planting the Weeping Moss which at times was mildly annoying. I wanted to avoid the super glue so opted for hair thickness fishing line 🤪

Things we do to build our little worlds 😊

Chihiros RGB Vivid 2 Lights are on for 5 hours at 30% Doing weekly 50% water changes.

I hope it all works out - I’ve spent so much time and money on this little world. I am not sure how I would feel if it turns into an algae bomb 😊

Will check the parameters towards Friday next week - Tank will have been running then for 4.5 weeks abort dark start for 3 weeks so I am hoping I’m approaching the stage of adding some fish.

I’m choosing to give some time for the plants to bed in its been a long time with no life in the tank I must admit I am keen to get fish but only when the time is right.

I think it all turned out well I am happy 😊




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