Its quotes on the writeups thats its god for aquariums wich have more plants in comparison to fish. Adverse algau could grow else.
Do you recomend me useing so in my tank with my stock via size ov tank and planting amount.
3ft by 1ft by 1ft
heavy plated by at least 50 percent.
2 medium clown loach
3 rosy tetra
8 neon tetra
2 pengiun tetra
2 female dwarth gourami
3 male dwarth gourami
1, 3 inch bristlenose plec
Advice? Thanks Chilled.
Its quotes on the writeups thats its god for aquariums wich have more plants in comparison to fish. Adverse algau could grow else.
Do you recomend me useing so in my tank with my stock via size ov tank and planting amount.
3ft by 1ft by 1ft
heavy plated by at least 50 percent.
2 medium clown loach
3 rosy tetra
8 neon tetra
2 pengiun tetra
2 female dwarth gourami
3 male dwarth gourami
1, 3 inch bristlenose plec
Advice? Thanks Chilled.