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TPN+ vs EI


29 Jun 2009
Hi guys,

I have searched, read, searched, read as much as i phsyically can about EI. But i think i've just confused myself now. I was hoping someone could help me out. I've read this article: http://www.theplantedtank.co.uk/EI.htm

My tap water KH is 3, and GH is 5.
I already have some TPN+ which i need to finish before creating my own EI mixtures, and I have some Potassium Nitrate.
Is TPN+ Macro and Micro Nutrients? If so, what else do i have to dose?

Also, when i run out of TPN+ i will make my own. From what i've read i need 2 mixtures, macro and micro.
Macro: 33g Potassium Nitrate, 7.2g Potassium Phosphate
Micro: Trace mix? 10g Chelated Trace Element Mix (7% Fe, 1.3% B, 2% Mn, 0.06% Mo, 0.4% Zn, 0.1% Cu)

I'm getting so confused :crazy: :crazy:

And is fluidsensor the best place to buy the chemicals?
yes fluidsensor is a good place.
Yes TPN+ has everything compared with TPN. (+ version contains potassium nitrate and Potassium Sulfate as extra, i think :lol: )

EI is obviously cheaper and far far better as YOU know what is going into your tank. Get yourself some Digital scales form ebay for about £7 (go for a Uk seller as mine came in 2 days rather than 2 weeks from HK).
EI means, you can raise or lower the amounts you put it, dependant upon your tap water and your plants uptake.

At the beginning i only made small 50-100ml soloutions/mixes, until i found the best reciepe, which gave me stable growth and low alage levels. then i made up 250mls of that. i wouldnt really do 500ml bottles as i like to keep it 'fresh' :lol:

the customisation factor is a huge plus point in the war of EI vs TPN+
I've actually already got some digital scales so that's not a problem.
At the moment i'm just pricing up the "ingredients"

Is Potassium Sulphate K2SO4 actually needed, as in james EI method its not actually mentioned in the macro solution
Macro Solution
33g Potassium Nitrate
7.2g Potassium Phosphate
250ml Water

Is it best to add it just incase, as the whole point of EI is ensuring there is enough of everything?
Hi andeekaii
andeekaii said:
Is Potassium Sulphate K2SO4 actually needed, as in james EI method its not actually mentioned in the macro solution
You will probably find that you will not need the K2SO4 as it is only added for the K content. You already have K in your KNO3 and KH2PO4, so you will probably have enough K.
I don't use K2SO4 in my EI tank. One less thing to buy 😀 .