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Tom's Do!aqua20

Thanks John. What would you suggest red-wise?

Tom - from the page before :) said:
I'm thinking of having a center mound (dead center) with a feature Crypt/A. madagascariensis/Nymphaea sp. on top. Then around that would be Hairgrass mingled in and the odd bit of Hydrocotyle, sloping down to a mossy foreground on 2 or 3 sides. The question then, is what moss. I have just added some Xmas Moss on a mesh that's been sitting emersed for a few weeks. Will see how it does. Might even mix it with Spiky, but who knows....

I like the idea of a central feature plant in a tank this size. That or a fully submersed "wabi kusa" based thing with just a moss foreground around it. Something simple anyway 🙂
Tom said:
Thanks John. What would you suggest red-wise?

Tom - from the page before :) said:
I'm thinking of having a center mound (dead center) with a feature Crypt/A. madagascariensis/Nymphaea sp. on top. Then around that would be Hairgrass mingled in and the odd bit of Hydrocotyle, sloping down to a mossy foreground on 2 or 3 sides. The question then, is what moss. I have just added some Xmas Moss on a mesh that's been sitting emersed for a few weeks. Will see how it does. Might even mix it with Spiky, but who knows....

I like the idea of a central feature plant in a tank this size. That or a fully submersed "wabi kusa" based thing with just a moss foreground around it. Something simple anyway 🙂

What about something like hygrophila polysperma rosenvig,keep it compact by trimming and it would look cool,i grew it my big tank and it grow,s very fast

Sorry to hear about the shrimp Tom 🙁
Tanks looking good though mate, I don't think I could of resisted the temptation of going wabi though.

I never got back to you on your other thead, about your mossy tank you sent into ALPC(is that right?) Contest a few years in a row, that thing was stunning mate!!! Really inspirational.

Stems have grown about 1.5" in the last week, which is much quicker than I've seen in this tank up till now. I do have diatoms again now though since the re-planting which was probably to be expected. It's only affected the Anubias and Stems so far, not the Crypts, moss or stones oddly.

I'm still getting an unusual amount of sediment in the moss though, and I'm not sure where it's coming from. Only thing i can think is I'm disturbing the hang-on filter during maintenance or something and it's kicking out dirt.
I've just ordered a needle valve and y splitter from eBay which should be here by the end of the week. I was thinking about getting a nano CO2 system for this tank, but with funds as they are I managed to get enough bits for less than a 1/4 of the price of a TMC disposable system. Will just use my 2kg FE instead.
Thanks Stu. I don't think the Anubias quite fits the scape though, but we'll see. Just got to shift the diatoms. I was thinking about maybe 1 bubble per 3 seconds when the gear arrives on top of the current 1.5ml AE version Excel dose. I think the Excel muse be duff though, because that should be way too much for this tank. AE provide the liquid carbon in a clear bottle, and I've heard it mentioned that the chemical used reacts badly to light :/ EasyCarbo next time.

The FE has run 3 scapes already now, and I have no idea how much is left!
i didnt really spot the anubias at the back. mabe it will look better if the stems were to bush up more and take more dominance at the back?

That was a very interesting point from garuf about the easycarbo in clear bottles as ive used mine in an old ada bottle previously so have stopped doing that. Its a pity the squirt caps dont fit the easybcarbo bottles (at least I dont think they do)
Quite a while since any updates now, but this tank does seem to be settling down quite well now. The Anubias came out around 3 weeks ago now, to be replaced with a nice Tropica Crypt that is doing quite nicely. I've also added a Tonia (I think it was!!) at the back, but it hasn't done anything as yet.

Luckily after a week of neglect while in wales (dumped in a heavy EI dose before I went) it's still pretty clean. Still a bit of stringy algae, but I know I need to sort the CO2 out anyway. I've also replaced the 11w Arc Pod with an 11w AquaEl light as of yesterday. Looks tonnes brighter so will have to keep an eye on it.

Dosing is Spezial N and Flowgrow only (as of a month ago), with 1ml AE Excel

Looking good Tom,

How much and how often are you dosing with those ferts? Good ferts. I was using them for a while I was overdosing quite abit :\

Get a wedge between the filter and the tank!! Can't stand the way they tilt back like that, mine did it and I wedged somethin to make it sit properly.
Thanks Ryan, I'm dosing 2 squirts of each daily, and waterchanging a couple of times a week.

There is an adjustable wedge on the bottom of the filter, but I find it vibrates against the glass so I don't use it. I have one of those sticky pads you put under furniture legs on it instead!
The Aqua-El lights are uber bright aren't they! I had to drop the reflector out of mine as it was TOO bright without CO2 running - algae ahoy! It was this light that made me realise what a fallacy the watts per gallon rule is - 11w is not always 11w!
Looking nice though - very nice indeed!