Low tech tank nearing the end of its 2nd week. Currently doing 50% water change every other day, about to move to twice a week.
Everything except the anubias petite (which melted) is growing well, Helanthium tenellum is going crazy!
I've noticed some green algae on the sand in the open part of the tank and I'm putting that down to light levels as there is no shade.
Question is, is it too early for a dozen or so cherry shrimp? Should I be testing my water first?
My PH is a stable 7-7.5 according to the tests. Should I be testing for ammonia, nitrites and nitrates before I consider adding live stock?
I've read they don't like frequent large water changes, but then I've read that some people don't experience an issue.
Everything except the anubias petite (which melted) is growing well, Helanthium tenellum is going crazy!
I've noticed some green algae on the sand in the open part of the tank and I'm putting that down to light levels as there is no shade.
Question is, is it too early for a dozen or so cherry shrimp? Should I be testing my water first?
My PH is a stable 7-7.5 according to the tests. Should I be testing for ammonia, nitrites and nitrates before I consider adding live stock?
I've read they don't like frequent large water changes, but then I've read that some people don't experience an issue.