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To Ram or not to Ram, that is the question.


12 Dec 2024
Looking at getting the final cohort for my tank and was looking at 2 German blue rams, 2 electric blue and 2 sunshine/golden ones. Heart sank as pet shop said the rams like to eat plants !
What is peoples experience with rams? I haven’t spent nearly £300 on plants for them to become fish food 🙁

What would ppl suggest re a small/medium sized fish that would be suitable? The biggest shoaling fish I’ve got are blue emperor tetras, everything else (other than corydoras) are smaller. Thanks in advance, Paul.
I’ve had bad luck with rams. They are susceptible to stress and illness. The electric blue I had were very weak and sickly. I got two golden rams after that which were much stronger but still only lasted a year.

None of them ever ate plants though. The main culprit for plant eating in my tank is the bristlenose (also responsible for landscaping and general gardening).
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