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TNC Lite 'clumping' in the bottle


New Member
9 Dec 2023
Hi everyone, just some advice please. I use TNC Complete in a 125l tank, planted and with rasboras, corys, neons and boraras I use Seachem Prime to condition the tap water. With some of my plants becoming transparent, and living in a very hard water area, Darrel suggested a possible iron deficiency also. Since that advice was given I am now topping up my tank exclusively with deionised water, (which I can get very cheaply) and adding TNC iron. Things are looking up, new strong growth appearing at the base of plants, greenness reappearing and no algae whatsoever.
However, the nitrates are slightly up so today I dug out my bottle of TNC lite to dose that. It has been away in a dark cupboard for nearly 6 months, but it has now developed what appears to be vegetal growth on the surface of the bottle that, when shaken appears to be quite clumpy plant growth. I've tried to take a photo but the opacity of the bottle precludes showing you what the effect is.
For safety's sake, should I just discard it? It actually looks like a jar scoop of pond water with root floaters.
Thanks in advance. The advice I get here is well worth the monthly donation!
It's probably harmless bacteria growth.
I would filter the solution with a kitchen towel a couple of times then clean the bottle out with bleach and fresh water.
Add it back into the TNC bottle.