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Tips / best practises for scaping high rocks?


21 Aug 2012

Just wondering if you guys could please provide some tips on how best to use a lot of high rocks in a scape.

I really like the great work done by Pedro Rosa in "The Forsaken World Aquarium":

Below are some snapshots during the setup videos.

Has he wrapped ADA Amazonia in pantyhose? What is the reason for this? Is it so that the substrate doesn't move too much once running?

What is the rock sitting on?

Is there a danger that a high banked substrate will push the rocks forward and possibly over?

Anyway, this is what I would like to try (although on a smaller scale) and I'm just looking for some tips please on installing and securing the rocks.

Thanks in advance.

Looks like the rocks are just leaning back into the filled stockings. The wait of the substrate used behind them will have an outward force to little to push the rocks away/over.
The stocking can be filled with any cheap inert material (gravel, lavarock etc).
If you read through Pedro Rosa's journal, he has included detailed shots of securing the rocks, also mentions what's in the bags, you can see the mat the rocks are sitting on ...

Some people seem to have problems with the hot glue gun material "dissolving" in the water, I don't know if this is a factor of the method, or differences in glue material/ water composition.
Some people seem to have problems with the hot glue gun material "dissolving" in the water, I don't know if this is a factor of the method, or differences in glue material/ water composition.

I did an outside job with a hot glue gun and over the course of the summer it soon degraded (dissolved) away.

As far as I know they're made of PVA and resin, I personally wouldn't be putting PVA into my tank.
Apologies for the delay.

Thanks very much for the detailed replies and also the link to the Journal. Not sure how I missed that.

More than enough for now.