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Time to cycle...


3 Oct 2016
United Kingdom
... but not the exercise!

Hi guys

Going to be layering my new 180L tank with JBL Volcano Mineral topped with 21L of ADA Amazonia.

Ive got a Fluval 406 with 2.5kg of Biohome Ultimate.

Now... after adding water the substrate is gonna leech ammonia...

Do i just leave the tank alone for 4 weeks and let the bacteria develop to reduce it? Why do people water change when the bacteria feed of the ammonia?

I wont be adding fish or plants until after the 4 week mark.

Thanks in advance!
Yes just leave.

People change water to lower the higher toxic ammonia levels leeching from substrates.

If you can't be *rsed to do frequent water changes at startup, just leave or if worried about too higher ammonia just partial dose the tank with Prime (or AmQuel+) which will remove ammonia.