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Tidy Tank


5 Sep 2016
Hi all, after recently transferring my fish into their pristine new home, they have made a bl**dy mess the main culprit has been re-homed. But they still seem to spread the soil all over the sand I did put a small barrier during install to keep them separate. I do plan on replanting the monte carlo.
Any suggestions on how to minimise the mess they make?
I've had issues like that in the past. Normally the fish end up winning the battle. You can't change their behaviour, and if they like rummaging through the plants and substrate, that's just what they'll do.

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There's got to be a way to be able to seperate the sand and soil even if it means removing it.
Well I did remove the majority or sand last night and washed it smash the soil up the rinse it took a while looked nice when i putt it back in again. This morning i wake to find the sods had shifted more soil over the sand.:banghead: so they can bugger off for now.