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Three Peaks Iwagumi

Looking really nice,

Iwagumi was what originally wanted me to start doing planted tanks, and your rocks and scape look really simiar to my 2nd planted tank, only with better plant selection and sense of scale:


The rock scape is soooo similar. Your looks better IMO though.
Can't wait to see the plants grown in.

The rock scape is soooo similar. Your looks better IMO though.
Can't wait to see the plants grown in.
Hi Danmullan

Thanks for your kind comments i must say yours looks very nice too and the rock patten is very similar
your cuba looks to be going great if your not happy with the plants little bit of research you could swap them on the forum with other members

Read this guide to by George Farmer there's a great plant list that work with iwagumi displays have a look at may give you some ideas http://www.practicalfishkeeping.co.uk/c ... p?sid=3118

Thanks Pete
Cheers mate,

That tanks long gone, all the plants did really well actually for a few months but went away and when I came back i got bored of the scape. Tore it all out and tried a wood scape.
Looking forward to seeing your grown in.

Hello everyone ive not died or been abducted by aliens just been taking a break from everything get life sorted out.

Back to Three Peaks

Now progress has been slow as been bit lazy with fertz and water changes

Lost few plants but will be replacing them soon the moss that George sent me is going great now i thought id lost most of it till i noticed small spores going on the rocks that now growing great and spreading across the rocks

the dwarf grass has been doing great has really spread out the pots of plant was not sure on turned out to be more Glossostigma elatinoides and this been lot better then my last lot at filling out the front of the tank.

I lost all the tall hair grass think this was to do with it being poor quality when i revived it so im after any of that if there's any spear

The Pellia, Monosolenium tenerum that MLGT sent me has done well to that has naturally spread all round the tank on the backing and on rocks and places strange stuff but like it reminds me of seaweed

fish stock has remand unchanged since set-up eventually i will be getting the other 30 cardinals to finish it off

FEB 15 2012

OCT 19 2012

Few close ups



Now got more time on my hands im looking at getting this sorted in next few weeks so there will be more updates to follow soon

Hope you not missed me to much.
I really like the choice of different plants. I would love to see a proper picture of the whole aquarium. Be careful with the flash when taking the photo. I am trying to grow a carpet of glossostigma myself and would like to see how it has spread since initial planting.
what i did i got some hair nets from local pharmacy or supermarket usually come in packs of two for about 50p in lot different colours from grey to brown white and black can hardly be seen even up close i placed these over my rocks for few months holding the mosses to the rocks after few months removed the hair nets and most of the moss in the process but some spores had been left behind attached to the rock that then grow to what i have now other bits of Pellia has naturally planted its self all around the tank

No Glue or Fishing wire used


Hope that helps you out
Sweet nice one.. seems a very long time to then take most of it off and hope that the spores attach? Good on you though. Looks very natural 🙂

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A man after my own heart! :angel: i love stone layouts, and youve done a good job of this one.

I like the moss which has attched itself. Leads to a more natural look i think.
Thanks Mark

Will be keeping on top of it now few months should have a stunning tank again would be great to hear what George has to say about it as he has mastered the art of iwagumi i still un sure weather to replant the backing plant Hairgrass, Genus eleocharis or to use something different i want to try and get a aspect of depth with the backing plant