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Three Of A Perfect Pair

Yeah, it's getting out of hand, but this is pretty much it, since I've run out of space. The only other thing I am planning, is a sort of paludarium type of setup, in the window sill in the dining room, since those three will move to my little "bar"-cupboard where now Heat in the Jungle sits. Will be doing something with orchids in that one. But that's it. The only other room I have, is reserved for a Bucket-of-Mud kind of project, large, shallow tank, in the place where there's now a big chair, near the living room window, where my dog sleeps. He's almost 14, so I'm hoping to be able to postpone that particular project for a couple more years.😉[DOUBLEPOST=1406144117][/DOUBLEPOST]But other than that:

Hi,my name is Paul, I'm an AquaScapeaHolic. 😛
Hey Roy! Happy new year to you! Things are going great, as are the tanks, just haven't had the time to get new pics up, will do sometime in the next week! Have a new one to show as well. 😉
Yeah, I've noticed, damned Facebook. 🙁 Will get that sorted sometime soon!