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Critique my aquascape Thoughts welcome on my scape


29 Jul 2012
What was planned to be a Seiryu scape magically turned into a dragon rock scape after a quick stop at the LFS.

Plants are planned to be very few but a carpet of possibly HC or GE.

What are your thoughts so far?20171117_201312.jpg


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My think is different :bookworm:

I think that Scape is too pretty, and the aquarium fixture is good. The plants that you choose are correct, but I plant Eleocharis around and very near the rocks and all the substrate with Hc or Gs, inclusive mixing the two species:jimlad:
Thanks for the input so far, as much as I do like the fuller mountain scapes it's not what I want to create really with this tank as it's a family/house tank rather than just a show piece.

I may go and have a rummage around the rock at the LFS and see if there are any more bits I could work in while still keeping it as a minimalistic scene.
So after a quick trip to the LFS I picked up a bit more Dragon rock and have built up from yesterday's attempt while trying to keep the same scene.

I am awaiting more Aqua soil to be able to add in some banks and top up here and there.

Any thoughts?

Photo taken from the main viewing angle


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My suggestion would be a row at the back up against the tall rocks and another lower row in front. The most important point make it look very natural and certainly not as if every rock was carefully placed in position in other words stagger the sizes and heights.
It does not have to be a row of rocks that are all the same size mix it up a little.
This is nature the best place to get inspirations from. The Rocky Mountains


After another play and a bit more rock I am now at this, I just can't make my mind up lol

It will be backfilled around the sides and over some of the rock to create some pasture type areas.20171119_134459.jpg
Well with an unexpected Sunday delivery of more Aquasoil which I wasn't expecting until tomorrow I have filled it in and an pretty sure of it being my final scape ( for now lol )

Something that just crossed my mind though is I haven't yet cleaned the Dragon stone so will have to pull it all apart again 20171119_143740.jpg 20171119_143802.jpg