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This tank has gone mental!


15 Jan 2014
West Yorkshire
Hi ppl
This tank has now gone off the scale since I added extra flow ... It's growing like crazy..
I think it's in need of a serious trim but I really don't want to spoil it..
I'm lacking light in both bottom corners now though...
What's your thoughts guys? d21d56bd6e00ea497710c2f05c5bdec2.jpg

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Wow that tank is just amazing I wish my tank looked like that my plants don't seem to be growing :'(

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Thank you ... It's taken some time to achieve I can tell you

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What are the names of the plants

Sent From Sony Xperia M2
If I'm totally honest I'm not 100% sure .. But here goes
Java Fern with finger like leaves lol
Java Fern
Java Fern narrow
African Fern
Various crypts
Amazon sword
hydrocotyle And a floating plant that I mixed in with it works well don't know the name of it though ...
And micro sword at the front but that's not doing so well

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