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There are many striking fish....


18 Apr 2012
There are many fantastic fish that we put in our scapes, some for functional reasons, some for cosmetic. I'm sat here on my sofa, looking at my really basic low tech tank, and to be honest, the 15 or so really healthy cardinal tetras that are shoaling around look utterly stunning, bright blue stripes shimmering along their length. So, what fish do you guys rate as truly brilliant in the right circumstances?
Galaxy rasbora / celestial pearl danio, when healthy and fully coloured take some beating, also as an ex betta breeder I will always have a soft spot for half moon plakats (hmpk) 🙂
Any killifish, and Badis badis. Also a fan of Pethia gelius; in large numbers and the right conditions, they're a very charismatic looking fish.
+1 for galaxy rasboras. I have three of them in my nano along with 11 Sparrow rasboras and they are really good fish, both of them!🙂 I'm definitely hoping to add a few more to my current three and have a birthday coming up...😉
In terms of detail I couldn't disagree with the galaxy rasbora - the got some in my nan and they're stunning. The only thing is that their detail is lost at a distance because of the scale of them.
I love ottos tbh brown black zebra whichever I'd love to setup a biotope for them one day they are marvellous fish which are underrated IMO 🙂 not just diatom eaters. I'd love to have room for a dedicated otto tank 🙂

Damn right Tim it is a shame that people often keep 'em as algae eaters and don't intentionally keep them for show. I have have seen wonderful tanks with massive groups of ottos swimming together, Its really a sight to see.
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Never managed that, although I've got a group of 6 in one of my tanks, they still don't seem to behave like that. When they were just 2 I never saw them, now that they're 6 I see them all regularly even with lights on, but never shoaling. Fancy doing some video?
Never managed that, although I've got a group of 6 in one of my tanks, they still don't seem to behave like that. When they were just 2 I never saw them, now that they're 6 I see them all regularly even with lights on, but never shoaling. Fancy doing some video?

This is not my vid but it shows the nice shoaling action
Having recently gotten some Harlequin Rasbora... well lets just say when my LFS said they are more purple I thought he was nuts as they were orange but once home I saw that stunning purple shimmer as they were swimming and I am in love!

My two betta would take a lot to be though... White Veil Tail in a dark tank... wow