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The shrimp bowl, suggestions needed.

Kyle Lambert

15 Aug 2013
Hey everyone. I've decided that as I cannot currently set up a new full system, due to current circumstances, to take on a different project just to satisfy my need to get planting.

I'm attempting a shrimp bowl. It's unfiltered (daily water changes are obviously a must) but there will be a small desktop lamp with a suitable bulb and if I can find a heater small enough then jobs a good'un.

There however lies the issue. This bowl is tiny. It's actually a £5 vase from a well known supermarket chain. I'd say the capacity is about 1.8 litres so far too small for any fish and chances are any heater so I'm looking for cold water suggestions. Any nano cold water plants, shrimp or snail suggestions would be appreciated.

If anyone thinks they know where I can find a suitable heater I'd appreciate that too as I think the small redmoor branches and the wood stone I have would look lovely with a small a.barteri nanas, a small bit of Christmas moss and some r.fluitans. I'm sure it'll look a bit crowded but I figure with the right trimming I can keep on top of things.

Cheers guys.
If you can get hold of one, the Hydor Mini heater might work well. They can be put under the substrate too, which will still be effective in something that small.
If you can get hold of one, the Hydor Mini heater might work well. They can be put under the substrate too, which will still be effective in something that small.

I'll have a gander, cheers. The base of the bowl is tiny which may be the only issue.
What about a heating mat? You could put some material over the heating mat to hide it, means no cables going into the vase.

It's actually a £5 vase from a well known supermarket chain.

Why are people scared to say where they buy things from?
Providing you have a comfortable room ambient temperature where the tank will be kept do you even need a heater for that small a volume, I'm currently running my 12L shrimp tanks with no heating, the room ambient keeps the tanks around 18c-20c (21ish when the central heating is on), I reckon by summertime the tanks will be up around 25ish+ on ambient alone. Granted the smaller volume you have will mean there is a quicker fluctuation in the temps if the room ambient changes quickly.

It's worth sticking the filled glass under the light and measuring the temps throughout a day to see what range you get.
What about a heating mat? You could put some material over the heating mat to hide it, means no cables going into the vase.

Why are people scared to say where they buy things from?

i work for well known supermarket? lol. i just thought it may be mildly amusing. It was from tesco. its a tiny little thing maybe 7" across.

Providing you have a comfortable room ambient temperature where the tank will be kept do you even need a heater for that small a volume, I'm currently running my 12L shrimp tanks with no heating, the room ambient keeps the tanks around 18c-20c (21ish when the central heating is on), I reckon by summertime the tanks will be up around 25ish+ on ambient alone. Granted the smaller volume you have will mean there is a quicker fluctuation in the temps if the room ambient changes quickly.

It's worth sticking the filled glass under the light and measuring the temps throughout a day to see what range you get.

I may give it a go but with a much smaller quantity of water i figure the fluctuations may be more extreme. What shrimp and plants are you going with in there?
What shrimp and plants are you going with in there?

Crystal Shrimp and Cherry Shrimp in both tanks. One tank is full of Anubias (wall planted), Mini Java Sword, Lilaeopsis and some AR Mini Pink (gets eaten by hungry shrimp if I skip feeding them), there was a lot of moss in there when first planted but it died off. The other tank gets donations from my main tank so lots of things in there, Java Sword, Microsorium, Crypts, AR, Lilaeopsis, some Fissidens, a Liverwort, Cladophora balls and probably some others lurking in there.

Tank 1


Tank 2


I'd look at your tap water parameters and choose shrimp on what best suits your water.