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The Return Of: Mr Aqua 12g


22 Sep 2015
Adelaide, Australia
Hi all, after a little of a break from fish/shrimp/plant keeping, I decided to attempt to get back into it and see where it took me.

Aquarium: Mr Aqua 12g (90cm x 22cm x 24cm) 45l
Filteration: Eheim 2213
Lighting: BioPro LED 90cm (10,000k) (6 Hour Photo Period)
Heater: Aqua One Glass (24c)
Substrate: Fluval Shrimp Stratum (2 x 2kg)
Flora: Anubia nana, Bolbitis heudelotii, Christmas Moss, Hydrocotyle triparita 'Japan', Hermianthus glomeratus, Micranthemum umbrosum
Fauna: 50 x Bloody Mary Shrimp, 10 Crystal Red Shrimp
Food: Boss Aquaria Shrimp Crack, Benibachi Kale Tablets, Aqua One Vege Wafers, Aqua One Betta Pellets
Additives: Boss Aquaria Mineral Powder, Green Element Plant Fertiliser, Green Element Liquid CO2
Hardscape: 3 x Malaysian Driftwood
Water Changes Every Sunday (Rain Water Mixed With Mineral Powder)
Future Plans: Black Background

Notes: Plans at the moment are to let the plants in the tank adapt to the water parameters and let the roots settle into the substrate, I plan to leave the plants to do their own thing for a few weeks and then do a big trim to promote new thick/lush growth and replant the off cuts, considering Blyxa japonica also to fill in 2 sections in the back, or might just use the off cuts to fill in those gaps.

All comments, advice, suggestions welcome, thank you.

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10 Crystal Red Shrimp added this morning, look so good, coloured up and got cruising around the tank in no time, really glad I got these little critters.
Original Post Updated!

Have decided to run with a different liquid fert and CO2, new products used will be Green Element which was created by fellow Australian and forum member @rebel.
Just a 1 week update, plants and shrimp settling in well, keen to get the new liquid fert and CO2 into it also.

All feedback, comments, advice welcome, cheers.

OK, ladies and gentlemen, received the products in the mail this morning, thought I'd share a photo.

Just an update on the tank, haven't done anything to it at all, haven't even trimmed it yet, just been adding liquid CO2 each day, liquid ferts each Sunday, water changes each Sunday with mineral powder mixed in, Shrimp are fed every second day, light period is now 5 hours each day seeing I'm at work a fair bit now with the new job.

When the Christmas break begins I'll do a trim and replant the cuttings into the open/bare areas, hopefully fill it in more, glass needs a clean also.

Need to treat the tank for Planaria, Hydra as well.

OK, so here is an update on the tank, background added earlier today, a slight clean up of snails and snail eggs on glass, did it today as yesterday was 48c... Yes, 48c...

I'm thinking of getting some more Fluval Shrimp Stratum, adding it to the back behind the driftwood, then taking all stems out and trimming and replanting as they keep coming loose, all good though, will also trim the Hydro and plant cuttings on the left side, really like the Hydro and how it looks.

Here it is...
