Hi all, after a little of a break from fish/shrimp/plant keeping, I decided to attempt to get back into it and see where it took me.
Aquarium: Mr Aqua 12g (90cm x 22cm x 24cm) 45l
Filteration: Eheim 2213
Lighting: BioPro LED 90cm (10,000k) (6 Hour Photo Period)
Heater: Aqua One Glass (24c)
Substrate: Fluval Shrimp Stratum (2 x 2kg)
Flora: Anubia nana, Bolbitis heudelotii, Christmas Moss, Hydrocotyle triparita 'Japan', Hermianthus glomeratus, Micranthemum umbrosum
Fauna: 50 x Bloody Mary Shrimp, 10 Crystal Red Shrimp
Food: Boss Aquaria Shrimp Crack, Benibachi Kale Tablets, Aqua One Vege Wafers, Aqua One Betta Pellets
Additives: Boss Aquaria Mineral Powder, Green Element Plant Fertiliser, Green Element Liquid CO2
Hardscape: 3 x Malaysian Driftwood
Water Changes Every Sunday (Rain Water Mixed With Mineral Powder)
Future Plans: Black Background
Notes: Plans at the moment are to let the plants in the tank adapt to the water parameters and let the roots settle into the substrate, I plan to leave the plants to do their own thing for a few weeks and then do a big trim to promote new thick/lush growth and replant the off cuts, considering Blyxa japonica also to fill in 2 sections in the back, or might just use the off cuts to fill in those gaps.
All comments, advice, suggestions welcome, thank you.
Aquarium: Mr Aqua 12g (90cm x 22cm x 24cm) 45l
Filteration: Eheim 2213
Lighting: BioPro LED 90cm (10,000k) (6 Hour Photo Period)
Heater: Aqua One Glass (24c)
Substrate: Fluval Shrimp Stratum (2 x 2kg)
Flora: Anubia nana, Bolbitis heudelotii, Christmas Moss, Hydrocotyle triparita 'Japan', Hermianthus glomeratus, Micranthemum umbrosum
Fauna: 50 x Bloody Mary Shrimp, 10 Crystal Red Shrimp
Food: Boss Aquaria Shrimp Crack, Benibachi Kale Tablets, Aqua One Vege Wafers, Aqua One Betta Pellets
Additives: Boss Aquaria Mineral Powder, Green Element Plant Fertiliser, Green Element Liquid CO2
Hardscape: 3 x Malaysian Driftwood
Water Changes Every Sunday (Rain Water Mixed With Mineral Powder)
Future Plans: Black Background
Notes: Plans at the moment are to let the plants in the tank adapt to the water parameters and let the roots settle into the substrate, I plan to leave the plants to do their own thing for a few weeks and then do a big trim to promote new thick/lush growth and replant the off cuts, considering Blyxa japonica also to fill in 2 sections in the back, or might just use the off cuts to fill in those gaps.
All comments, advice, suggestions welcome, thank you.
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