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The Flaming Shrub - Johnbol's Mini M


27 Dec 2013
Hi Guys!

Decided to start my first aquarium journal here. Not my first tank though.

Some specs to start with:
  • Tank: standard ADA Mini M size (36 x 22 x 26 cm - approx. 20L)
  • Light: ADA Aquasky LED
  • Filtration: Tetra Tec EX700 with ADA Lily Pipes, plus aeration Eheim nozzle
  • CO2: Do!aqua CO2 starter set with replacement cartridges
  • Soil: ADA Amazonia Powder and standard
  • Plants: Echinodorus Hot Pepper, Ammania sp. Bonsai, Rotala wallichii, Staurogyne sp., Glossostigma elatinoides
  • Animals: Neocaridina heteropoda var Orange, Caridina japonica, Otocinclus affinis, Boraras merah (or brigittae, or both...)
Ok, so I have started (7.06.2014) this layout inspired by Amano's single wabikusa "bouquet" style with one dominant plant - in this role Echinodorus. Initially I wasn't planning on adding drift wood also, but it would feel kind of "empty" without it. Maybe with time I will remove it, or replace with thinner roots.
There isn't much to tell about it besides that, so ask away if you have any specific questions.​

Here is a photo (sorry for the poor quality!) I shot on 19th June, and today tank looks slightly more green and definitely more red than then. I already had to prune Rotala and Staurogyne more than twice since the beginning. I will try to take some better pictures for you soon.

14468349176_e5d23b60f2_o.jpg1 by Johnbol, on Flickr

Hey Guys!

Thank you! The plants are growing nicely, so it shouldn't take long before I will have to start "mowing the lawn" (which I hate the most...).
