Good question, maybe if we all answer with our own experience we could build up a picture, or list of tissue culture plant plants that do well.
Personally, I'm not sure about specifics...I think that mostly it's a bit hit and miss. Some batches seem to have difficulty transitioning from emersed to immersed growth forms whilst others of the same species don't. Stauro can be a bit temperamental. Plants from the same batch can do well in one part of my scape and rot in another. I've had two goes at Ludwigia sp. "Mini Super Red", first time it all just rotted Second time, pretty much the same but I managed to keep a few stems alive and it's now thriving.
Then there are a few plants that are difficult to grow submersed anyway, like Utricularia graminifolia and Bolbitis heteroclita ‘Difformis’, so they're probably going to struggle either way. Conversely, others like MC, HC, and H. tripartita, always do very well for me.
Undoubtedly, unique aquarium conditions and the quality of the plants are going to be factors. For the latter, how healthy the plants were in the first place, and how long they've been sitting on the retailers shelf etc. I don't think you can go far wrong buying Tropica from a retailer with a high turnover like AG.