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Testing 3giphone

Thomas McMillan said:
SteveUK said:
I want a Mac 🙁

Join the club :|
I have a Mac notebook gathering dust at home! PC all the way for me 😉 fair enough the machines look stylish and sexy, other than that, I might get one of the latest models and stick windows on it for the hell of it LOL
Got my mac cheap with student discount, just before all their prices went up! 😀
LondonDragon said:
I have a Mac notebook gathering dust at home! PC all the way for me 😉 fair enough the machines look stylish and sexy, other than that, I might get one of the latest models and stick windows on it for the hell of it LOL

That is what one of my sisters has. Mac notebook with XP on it. She is very happy with it. Style of Mac, functionality of PC. Best of both worlds IMHO.

On the phone front I got a Nokia 5800 as a free upgrade recently. I thought it might function as a poor mans iPhone.
Turns out to be a really cr*ppy phone. Nowhere near up to Nokia's usual standards. Both software and hardware are very flaky indeed.
The two main pros to getting a mac IMO is the great design, and the fact that there aren't many viruses for Mac's around, they tend to last a lot longer than Windows.
Thomas McMillan said:
and the fact that there aren't many viruses for Mac's around, they tend to last a lot longer than Windows.
Put a decent AV on your machine and run some Spyware software once or twice a month, run CCleaner every week, use Firefox and your machine runs forever, I last installed my windows XP just over two years ago!!!
Bot apple and windows have their pros and cons, also applies to mobile phones, you just have to get what suits you most, if you just browse the web and type a few documents then an apple is ideal for you.
If you know how to manage your windows installation properly with the right addons then your windows will run perfectly every time too, problem with windows is people try too much crap on it, as with the apple there isn't much crap to install on it, software and games are somewhat limited on OSX when compared to a windows box 😉

But you get what works for you either it being an apple, easy to use and stylish, or a windows box that you can tweak in so many ways that you can't with an apple. Just saying apple is better than any PC doesn't cut it for me!!
now i can look at amano work anytime!


this was a you tube vid!
aaronnorth said:
has anyone got a blackberry or know how they compare to the 2 phones on here?
EDIT: then again it doesnt have Wi-Fi (storm version) which is the only one i like 🙄
I don't like them, was offered one from my work and turned it down as I prefer the HTC I already have. The Storm has loads of problems too and its not that great by all means. You better off with a proper phone like an HTC or a girls phone like an iPhone.
LondonDragon said:
aaronnorth said:
has anyone got a blackberry or know how they compare to the 2 phones on here?
EDIT: then again it doesnt have Wi-Fi (storm version) which is the only one i like 🙄
I don't like them, was offered one from my work and turned it down as I prefer the HTC I already have. The Storm has loads of problems too and its not that great by all means. You better off with a proper phone like an HTC or a girls phone like an iPhone.

my lad loves my, and my wifes i phone! we both have one now, he's constantly wanting games on it though 🙁 but i've shown him it plays music too....

anyone for jeff buckley?.....

i dont get it!
the nokia smart phones have been doing this and MUCH more for years!!
ok, so no touch screen............................yet
